S.C. Code § 15-19-240
When real estate is attached a true and attested copy of the attachment, together with a description of the real estate attached, shall be, by the officer serving the warrant of attachment, delivered to the party whose real estate is attached or left at his last and usual place of abode. And the officer making such service shall also leave a true and attested copy of such attachment, together with a description of the real estate so attached, in the office in which by law a deed of such estate is required to be recorded. If the party whose estate is attached does not reside in this State then such copy shall be delivered to his tenant, agent, or attorney if any be known, and, if no such agent, tenant or attorney be known, then a copy of such warrant of attachment with the officer's return thereon lodged in the office in which by law a deed of such real estate ought to be recorded shall be deemed sufficient service. The clerk or register of the office wherein any such warrant of attachment is required to be lodged shall receive such warrant and enter in a book kept for that purpose the names of the parties, the date of the warrant of attachment, the sum demanded and the officer's return thereon. Such attachment shall be a lien subject to all prior liens and bind the real estate attached from the date of lodgment. All attachments lodged upon the same day shall take rank together.
S.C. Code § 15-19-240