S.C. Code § 14-23-370
No order or decree of any court of probate for the payment of money shall, as to third persons, without express notice, have any effect as a lien on the real estate of the person intended to be bound thereby but from the day when such a brief or abstract shall have been delivered to or lodged with the judge of probate as aforesaid and a transcript of the docket thereof in the index of money decrees as herein prescribed has been filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas for the same county and duly entered by the clerk on the calendar of judgments kept in his office. Nor shall such order or decree rank as a judgment against the estate of any person deceased unless such abstract was duly filed and indexed and a transcript of the entry in the index filed with the clerk of the circuit court for the same county and duly docketed by the clerk on the calendar of judgments of the court of common pleas before the death of such deceased person. After the transcript of the docket in the index of money decrees has been duly entered upon the calendar of judgments kept in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas such order or decree shall have like force and effect as judgments of the courts of common pleas.
S.C. Code § 14-23-370