S.C. Code § 13-1-1390
Prior to undertaking the acquisition of any railroad and necessary equipment, the director shall find: that the acquisition of the railroad and necessary equipment is desirable in the public interest to promote and foster economic growth and development; that the common carrier railroads operating in the State shall have declined to agree to provide such railroad and necessary equipment within six months after having been requested to do so by the division and the State Fiscal Accountability Authority; that the acquisition of the railroad and necessary equipment will give rise to no pecuniary liability of the division or a charge against its general credit or a charge against the full faith, credit or taxing power of the State of South Carolina or any political subdivision thereof; the amount of bonds required to finance the acquisition of the railroad and necessary equipment; the amount necessary in each year to pay the principal and interest on the bonds proposed to be issued to finance the acquisition of the railroad and necessary equipment; the amount necessary to be paid each year into any reserve funds which the director may deem it advisable to establish in connection with the retirement of the proposed bonds and the operation and maintenance of the railroad and necessary equipment; the estimated cost of maintaining the railroad and necessary equipment in good repair and keeping them properly insured. The determinations and findings of the director required to be made above shall be set forth in the proceedings under which the proposed bonds are to be issued, and the director shall certify in writing such determinations and findings to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority before the issuance of such bonds.
S.C. Code § 13-1-1390