- Section 13-1-1000 - Definitions
- Section 13-1-1010 - Commission created; purpose; purchase and sale of aeronautics assets
- Section 13-1-1020 - Commission districts; election and appointment of members
- Section 13-1-1030 - County-commission district overlap; consecutive terms; two commissioners from same county
- Section 13-1-1040 - Delegations to elect commissioner from district; organization of delegation; certification and issuance of commission
- Section 13-1-1050 - Terms of commission members; vacancies; forfeiture of office; at-large commission member as chairman
- Section 13-1-1060 - Oath of office
- Section 13-1-1070 - Official seal; adoption of rules and procedures; reimbursement for official expenses
- Section 13-1-1080 - Appointment of executive director
- Section 13-1-1090 - Qualifications for commission chairman and members