- Section 808B.1 - Definitions
- Section 808B.2 - Unlawful acts - penalty
- Section 808B.3 - Court order for interception by special agents
- Section 808B.4 - Permissible disclosure and use
- Section 808B.5 - Application and order
- Section 808B.6 - Reports to state court administrator
- Section 808B.7 - Contents of intercepted wire, oral, or electronic communication as evidence
- Section 808B.8 - Civil damages authorized - civil and criminal immunity - injunctive relief
- Section 808B.9 - [Repealed]
- Section 808B.10 - Restrictions on use and installation of a pen register or a trap and trace device
- Section 808B.11 - Application and order to install and use a pen register or trap and trace device
- Section 808B.12 - Emergency installation and use - subsequent application and order
- Section 808B.13 - Assistance in installation and use of a pen register or a trap and trace device
- Section 808B.14 - Reporting installation and use of pen registers and trap and trace devices