Section 709.9 - Indecent exposure - masturbation1. A person who exposes the person's genitals or pubic area to another not the person's spouse, or who commits a sex act in the presence of or view of a third person, commits a serious misdemeanor if all of the following apply: a. The person does so to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of either party.b. The person knows or reasonably should know that the act is offensive to the viewer.2.a. A person who masturbates in public in the presence of another, not a child, commits a serious misdemeanor.b. A person who masturbates in public in the presence of a child commits an aggravated misdemeanor.c. For the purpose of this subsection,"masturbate" means physical stimulation of a person's own genitals or pubic area for the purpose of sexual gratification or arousal of the person, regardless of whether the genitals or pubic area is exposed or covered.Referred to in §659A.2, 692A.102, 709.19
Definition of sex act, §702.17
Sentencing restrictions for forcible felonies and mandatory reporters of child abuse, see §907.3