Chapter 628 - REDEMPTION
- Section 628.1 - Place of redemption
- Section 628.1A - Application of this chapter
- Section 628.2 - When sale absolute
- Section 628.3 - Redemption by debtor
- Section 628.4 - Redemption prohibited
- Section 628.5 - Redemption by creditors
- Section 628.6 - Mechanic's lien before judgment
- Section 628.7 - Probate creditor
- Section 628.8 - Redemption by creditors from each other
- Section 628.9 - Senior creditor
- Section 628.10 - Junior may prevent
- Section 628.11 - Terms
- Section 628.12 - Mortgage not matured - interest
- Section 628.13 - By holder of title
- Section 628.14 - By junior from senior creditor
- Section 628.15 - After nine months
- Section 628.16 - Who gets property
- Section 628.17 - Claim extinguished
- Section 628.18 - Mode of redemption
- Section 628.19 - Credit on lien
- Section 628.20 - Excess payment - credit
- Section 628.21 - Contest determined
- Section 628.22 - Assignment of certificate
- Section 628.23 - Redemption of part of property
- Section 628.24 - Interest of tenant in common
- Section 628.25 - Transfer of debtor's right
- Section 628.26 - Agreement to reduce period of redemption
- Section 628.26A - Agreement to extend period of redemption - agricultural land
- Section 628.27 - Redemption where property abandoned
- Section 628.28 - Redemption of property not used for agricultural or certain residential purposes
- Section 628.29 - Redemption by creditor pursuant to alternative foreclosure