Iowa Code § 602.9108
The amount designated as the judge's contribution to the judicial retirement fund in section 602.9104 and all amounts paid into the fund by a judge shall be credited to the individual account of the judge. If a judge covered under this article becomes separated from service as a judge before the judge completes an aggregate of four years of service as a judge of one or more of the courts, the total amount in the judge's individual account shall be returned to the judge or the judge's legal representatives within one year of the separation. If a judge, who is covered under this article and who has completed an aggregate of four years or more of service as a judge of one or more of the courts, dies before retirement, without a survivor, the total amount in the judge's individual account shall be paid in one sum to the judge's legal representatives within one year of the judge's death. If an annuitant under this section dies without a survivor, and without having received in annuities an amount equal to the total amount in the judge's individual account at the time of separation from service, the amount remaining to the annuitant's credit shall be paid in one sum to the annuitant's legal representatives within one year of the annuitant's death.
Iowa Code § 602.9108
83 Acts, ch 186, §10202(2) 86 Acts, ch 1243, §37; 2006 Acts, ch 1091, §18
Referred to in §602.9115A