Chapter 589 - REAL PROPERTY
- Section 589.1 - Acknowledgments - seal not affixed
- Section 589.2 - Conveyances by county
- Section 589.3 - Absence of or defective acknowledgments
- Section 589.4 - Acknowledgments by corporation officers
- Section 589.5 - Acknowledgments by stockholders
- Section 589.6 - Instruments affecting real estate
- Section 589.7 - Reserved
- Section 589.8 - Mortgages, trust deeds and realty liens - releases
- Section 589.9 - Marginal releases of school-fund mortgages
- Section 589.10 - Marginal assignment of mortgage or lien
- Section 589.11 - Conveyances by fiduciaries
- Section 589.12 - Sheriffs' deeds
- Section 589.13 - Sheriff 's deed executed by deputy
- Section 589.14 - Defective tax deeds
- Section 589.15 - Tax deeds legalized
- Section 589.16 - Tax sales legalized
- Section 589.16A - Defect in tax sale proceeding
- Section 589.17 - Conveyances by spouse under power
- Section 589.18 - Conveyances by foreign executors
- Section 589.19 - Conveyances under school-fund foreclosures
- Section 589.20 - Reserved
- Section 589.21 - Releases and discharges
- Section 589.22 - Certain loans, contracts, and mortgages
- Section 589.23 - Descriptions referring to defective plats
- Section 589.24 - Defective instruments
- Section 589.25 - Sales of real estate by school district
- Section 589.26 - Land transfers by the department of health and human services legalized
- Section 589.27 - Condemnation by department of transportation
- Section 589.28 - County surplus property - sale legalized
- Section 589.29 - Permission to lay water mains
- Section 589.30 - Establishment of ancient county roads
- Section 589.31 - City and county deeds