Iowa Code § 542B.3
An engineering and land surveying examining board is created within the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing. The board consists of three members who are licensed professional engineers, two members who are licensed professional land surveyors, and two members who are not licensed professional engineers or licensed professional land surveyors and who shall represent the general public. An individual who is licensed as both a professional engineer and a professional land surveyor may serve to satisfy the board membership requirement for either a licensed professional engineer or a licensed professional land surveyor, but not both. Members shall be appointed by the governor subject to confirmation by the senate. A licensed member shall be actively engaged in the practice of engineering or land surveying and shall have been so engaged for five years preceding the appointment, the last two of which shall have been in Iowa. Insofar as practicable, licensed engineer members of the board shall be from different branches of the profession of engineering. Professional associations or societies composed of licensed engineers or licensed land surveyors may recommend the names of potential board members whose profession is representative of that association or society to the governor. However, the governor is not bound by the recommendations. A board member shall not be required to be a member of any professional association or society composed of professional engineers or professional land surveyors.
Iowa Code § 542B.3
Confirmation, see §2.32
Section amended