Section 328.20 - Registration of aircraft1. A civil aircraft owned either wholly or in part by persons residing in this state, or operated, or otherwise controlled within the boundaries of the state for a period of more than thirty days, unless specifically excepted under this chapter, shall be registered annually with the department, by the owner thereof.2. The registration year begins on the first day of the calendar month in which the civil aircraft is registered for the first time in the state and ends on the last day of the twelfth month of the registration year.3. For aircraft registered in this state before July 1, 1988, the registration year begins on the first day of the calendar month assigned by the department and ends on the last day of the twelfth month of the registration year.88 Acts, ch 1063, §2; 2017 Acts, ch 54, § 76
C31, 35, §8338-c2; C39, §8338.15; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §328.2088 Acts, ch 1063, §2Referred to in §328.26, 328.35, 423.3, 423.5, 423.6
Implementation of staggered registration; §328.56A