- Section 321J.1 - Definitions
- Section 321J.1A - Drunk driving public education campaign - pamphlets
- Section 321J.2 - Operating while under the influence of alcohol or a drug or while having an alcohol concentration of .08 or more (OWI)
- Section 321J.2A - Persons under the age of twenty-one
- Section 321J.2B - Parental and school notification - persons under eighteen years of age
- Section 321J.3 - Substance use disorder evaluation or treatment - rules
- Section 321J.4 - Revocation of license - ignition interlock devices - temporary restricted license
- Section 321J.4A - [Repealed]
- Section 321J.4B - Motor vehicle impoundment or immobilization - penalty - liability of vehicle owner
- Section 321J.5 - Preliminary screening test
- Section 321J.6 - Implied consent to test
- Section 321J.7 - Dead or unconscious persons
- Section 321J.8 - Statement of officer
- Section 321J.9 - Refusal to submit - revocation
- Section 321J.10 - Tests pursuant to warrants
- Section 321J.10A - Blood, breath, or urine specimen withdrawal without a warrant
- Section 321J.11 - Taking sample for test
- Section 321J.12 - Test result revocation
- Section 321J.13 - Hearing on revocation - appeal
- Section 321J.14 - Judicial review
- Section 321J.15 - Evidence in any action
- Section 321J.16 - Proof of refusal admissible
- Section 321J.17 - Civil penalty - disposition - conditions for license reinstatement
- Section 321J.17A - Compliance-based removal
- Section 321J.18 - Other evidence
- Section 321J.19 - Information relayed to other states
- Section 321J.20 - Temporary restricted license - ignition interlock devices
- Section 321J.20A - Ignition interlock device - medical waiver
- Section 321J.21 - Driving while license suspended, denied, revoked, or barred
- Section 321J.22 - Drinking drivers course
- Section 321J.23 - Legislative findings
- Section 321J.24 - Court-ordered visitation for offenders - immunity from liability
- Section 321J.25 - [Effective Until 7/1/2025] Youthful offender substance use disorder awareness program
- Section 321J.25 - [Effective 7/1/2025]