Section 321I.32 - Fees - duplicates1. The county recorder shall charge a ten dollar fee to issue a certificate of title, a transfer of title, a duplicate, or a corrected certificate of title.2. If a certificate of title is lost, stolen, mutilated, destroyed, or becomes illegible, the first lienholder or, if there is none, the owner named in the certificate, as shown by the county recorder's records, shall within thirty days obtain a duplicate by applying to the county recorder. The applicant shall furnish information the department requires concerning the original certificate and the circumstances of its loss, mutilation, or destruction.3. The duplicate certificate of title shall be marked plainly "duplicate" across its face and mailed or delivered to the applicant.4. If a lost or stolen original certificate of title for which a duplicate has been issued is recovered, the original shall be surrendered promptly to the county recorder for cancellation.5. Five dollars of the certificate of title fees collected under this section shall be remitted by the county recorder to the treasurer of state for deposit in the special all-terrain vehicle fund created under section 321I.8. The remaining five dollars shall be retained by the county and deposited into the general fund of the county.2004 Acts, ch 1132, §75; 2007 Acts, ch 141, §51
2004 Acts, ch 1132, §75; 2007 Acts, ch 141, §51