Section 321I.22 - Manufacturer, distributor, or dealer - special registration1. A manufacturer, distributor, or dealer owning an all-terrain vehicle required to be registered under this chapter may operate the all-terrain vehicle for purposes of transporting, testing, demonstrating, or selling it without the all-terrain vehicle being registered, except that a special registration decal issued to the owner as provided in this chapter shall be displayed on the all-terrain vehicle in the manner prescribed by rules of the commission. The special registration decal shall not be used on an all-terrain vehicle offered for hire or for any work or service performed by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer.2. Every manufacturer, distributor, or dealer shall register with the department by making application to the commission, upon forms prescribed by the commission, for a special registration certificate and decal. The applicant shall pay a registration fee of forty-five dollars and submit reasonable proof of the applicant's status as a bona fide manufacturer, distributor, or dealer as may be required by the commission.3. The commission, upon granting an application, shall issue to the applicant a special registration certificate and decal. The special registration certificate shall contain the applicant's name, address, and general identification number; the word "manufacturer", "dealer", or "distributor"; and other information the commission prescribes.4. The commission shall also issue duplicate special registration certificates and decals which shall have displayed thereon the general identification number assigned to the applicant. A county recorder may issue duplicate special registration certificates and decals electronically pursuant to rules adopted by the commission. The fee for each additional duplicate special registration certificate and decal shall be five dollars plus a writing fee.5. Each special registration certificate issued under this section shall be for a period of three years and shall expire on December 31 of the renewal year. A new special registration certificate for the three-year renewal period may be obtained upon application to the commission and payment of the fee provided by law. A county recorder may issue special registration certificate renewals electronically pursuant to rules adopted by the commission.6. If a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer has an established place of business in more than one location, the manufacturer, distributor, or dealer shall secure a separate and distinct special registration certificate and general identification number for each place of business.7. A dealer shall make application and pay all registration and title fees if applicable on behalf of the purchaser of an all-terrain vehicle. If the registration has expired while in the dealer's possession, the purchaser may renew the registration for the same fee and writing fee as if the purchaser is securing the original registration.8. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a dealer from obtaining a new registration and transfer of registration in the same manner as other purchasers.9. The commission may adopt rules consistent with this chapter establishing minimum requirements for dealers. In adopting such rules, the commission shall consider the need to protect persons, property, and the environment and to promote uniformity of practices relating to the sale and use of all-terrain vehicles. The commission may also adopt rules providing for the suspension or revocation of a dealer's special registration certificate issued pursuant to this section. 2004 Acts, ch 1132, § 65; 2007 Acts, ch 141, §41 -45; 2009 Acts, ch 144, § 11; 2010 Acts, ch 1069, § 49; 2012 Acts, ch 1100, § 49
2004 Acts, ch 1132, §65; 2007 Acts, ch 141, §41 - 45; 2009 Acts, ch 144, §11; 2010 Acts, ch 1069, §49; 2012 Acts, ch 1100, §49Referred to in §331.602, 805.8B(2A)(h)
For applicable scheduled fine, see §805.8B, subsection 2A, paragraph h