Chapter 257B - SCHOOL FUNDS
- Section 257B.1 - Definitions
- Section 257B.1A - Permanent fund
- Section 257B.1B - Interest for Iowa schools fund - transfer of interest
- Section 257B.2 - Lands and escheats
- Section 257B.3 - Reserved
- Section 257B.4 - Division and appraisement
- Section 257B.5 - Notice - sale
- Section 257B.6 - Sale without appraisement
- Section 257B.7 - Sale on credit - taxation - waste
- Section 257B.8 - Sale of lands bid in
- Section 257B.9 - Cash or collateral security
- Section 257B.10 - Uniform interest date
- Section 257B.11 - School fund accounts - audit of losses
- Section 257B.12 - Bonds to cover losses
- Section 257B.13 and 257B.14 - Reserved
- Section 257B.15 - Management
- Section 257B.16 - Actions
- Section 257B.17 - Liability of county
- Section 257B.18 - Exemption of county
- Section 257B.19 - Loans
- Section 257B.20 - Investment of permanent fund
- Section 257B.21 through 257B.27 - Reserved
- Section 257B.28 - Statute of limitation
- Section 257B.29 - Payments
- Section 257B.30 - Release of mortgage
- Section 257B.31 - School fund account - settlement
- Section 257B.32 - Notice of default
- Section 257B.33 - Suit - attorney fee
- Section 257B.34 - Bid at execution sale
- Section 257B.35 - Sheriff 's deed to state
- Section 257B.36 - Resale by state
- Section 257B.37 - Proceeds on resale
- Section 257B.38 - Excess - loss borne by county
- Section 257B.39 - Report as to sales - interest
- Section 257B.40 - Interest charged to counties
- Section 257B.41 - Uncollected interest
- Section 257B.42 - Report as to rents
- Section 257B.43 - Reserved
- Section 257B.44 - Penalty against county auditor