Iowa Code § 256.111

Current through bills signed by governor as of 5/17/2024
Section 256.111 - Innovation division - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics collaborative initiative
1. The innovation division of the department of education is created. The head of the division is the administrator who shall be a highly qualified science, technology, engineering, and mathematics advocate and shall be appointed by the director.

The administrator shall do all of the following, subject to supervision of the director:

a. Direct the activities of the division, including the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics collaborative initiative created in subsection 3.
b. Control all property of the division.
c. Perform other duties imposed by law or assigned by the director.
3. A science, technology, engineering, and mathematics collaborative initiative is established within the innovation division for purposes of supporting activities directly related to recruitment of prekindergarten through grade twelve mathematics and science teachers for ongoing mathematics and science programming for students enrolled in prekindergarten through grade twelve.
4. The collaborative initiative shall prioritize student interest in achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; reach every student and teacher in every school district in the state; identify, recruit, prepare, and support the best mathematics and science teachers; and sustain exemplary programs. The innovation division shall collaborate with the community colleges to develop science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professional development programs for community college instructors and for purposes of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics curricula development.
5. Subject to an appropriation of moneys by the general assembly, the innovation division shall administer the following:
a. Regional science, technology, engineering, and mathematics networks for Iowa, the purpose of which is to equalize science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education enrichment opportunities available to learners statewide. The innovation division shall establish six geographically similar regional science, technology, engineering, and mathematics networks across Iowa that complement and leverage existing resources, including extension service assets, area education agencies, state accredited postsecondary institutions, informal educational centers, school districts, economic development zones, and existing public and private science, technology, engineering, and mathematics partnerships. Each network shall be managed by a highly qualified science, technology, engineering, and mathematics advocate positioned at a network hub to be determined through a competitive application process. Oversight for each regional network shall be provided by a regional advisory board. Members of the board shall be appointed by the governor. The membership shall represent prekindergarten through grade twelve school districts and schools, and higher education, business, nonprofit organizations, youth agencies, and other appropriate stakeholders.
b. A focused array of the best science, technology, engineering, and mathematics enrichment opportunities, selected through a competitive application process, that can be expanded to meet future needs. A limited, focused list of selected exemplary programs shall be made available to each regional network.
c. Statewide science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programming designed to increase participation of students and teachers in successful learning experiences; to increase the number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related teaching majors offered by the state's universities; to elevate public awareness of the opportunities; and to increase collaboration and partnerships.
6. The innovation division shall evaluate the effectiveness of programming to document best practices.
7. The state board shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to administer this section.

Iowa Code § 256.111

Amended by 2024 Iowa HF 2686,s 41, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by 2024 Iowa HF 2686,s 40, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by 2024 Iowa HF 2686,s 39, eff. 7/1/2024.
Renumbered from §268.7 by 2023 Iowa, ch 19, s 2516, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by 2023 Iowa, ch 19, s 2515, eff. 7/1/2023.
Added by 2012 Acts, ch 1132, § 12

Transfer of property and records of the former science, technology, engineering, and mathematics collaborative initiative from the state board of regents or the university of northern Iowa to the department of education; employees of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics collaborative initiative formerly established at the university of northern Iowa whose primary workplace is located at the university of northern Iowa to be considered employees of the innovation division of the department of education without loss in salary, benefits, or accrued years of service; continuation of contracts and application of funds; 2023 Acts, ch 19, §2517

Section transferred from §268.7 in Code 2024 pursuant to directive in 2023 Acts, ch 19, §2516

Section amended