Iowa Code § 252B.25
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, if an obligor has been ordered to provide support in more than one order, child support services may bring a single action for contempt to enforce the multiple orders. However, if the obligor objects to the consolidation of the actions regarding multiple orders into a single action for contempt, and the court determines that severance of the single action into multiple actions is in the interest of justice, child support services shall bring multiple actions for contempt to enforce the multiple orders. If the single action is brought and the obligor does not object, child support services shall file the action in the district court of a county where the obligor resides, or if the obligor does not reside in the state, in the district court of the county where at least one of the support orders was entered or registered. For the purposes of this section, the district court where child support services files the action shall have jurisdiction and authority over all other support orders for the obligor entered or registered by a court of this state and affected under this section. In such case, child support services shall also file a document with the clerk of court in each county affected specifying the county where the action under this section was filed and the disposition of the action.
Iowa Code § 252B.25
2005 Acts, ch 112, §6; 2023 Acts, ch 19, § 869
Section amended