Section 231C.18 - Iowa assisted living fees1. The department shall collect assisted living program certification and related fees. An assisted living program that is certified by the department on the basis of voluntary accreditation by a recognized accrediting entity shall not be subject to payment of the certification fee, but shall be subject to an administrative fee as prescribed by rule. Fees collected and retained pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the general fund of the state.2. The following certification and related fees shall apply to assisted living programs: a. For a two-year initial certification, seven hundred fifty dollars.b. For a two-year recertification, one thousand dollars.c. For a blueprint plan review, nine hundred dollars.d. For an optional preliminary plan review, five hundred dollars.e. For accreditation via a national body of accreditation, one hundred twenty-five dollars.2003 Acts, ch 166, §25; 2005 Acts, ch 60, §20, 21; 2007 Acts, ch 215, § 183
2003 Acts, ch 166, §25; 2005 Acts, ch 60, §20, 21; 2007 Acts, ch 215, §183