Chapter 160 - STATE APIARIST
- Section 160.1 - Appointment by secretary of agriculture
- Section 160.1A - Definitions
- Section 160.2 - Duties
- Section 160.3 - Right to enter premises
- Section 160.4 - Reserved
- Section 160.5 - Instructions - hives - imported bees
- Section 160.6 - Notice to treat, disinfect, remove, or destroy
- Section 160.7 - Apiarist to disinfect or destroy - costs
- Section 160.8 - Costs certified - collected as tax
- Section 160.9 - Rules
- Section 160.10 - [Repealed]
- Section 160.11 - [Repealed]
- Section 160.12 - Reserved
- Section 160.13 - Annual report
- Section 160.14 - Penalties - injunctions
- Section 160.15 - Payment of expenses
- Section 160.16 - [Repealed]