Section 357.13 - Trustees - qualification and terms1. At the initial election provided for in section 357.12, the names of the trustees shall be written by the voter on blank ballots without formal nomination and the board of supervisors shall appoint three from among the five receiving the highest number of votes as trustees for the district, one to serve for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. The trustees and their successors shall give bond in the amount the board of supervisors may require, the premium of which shall be paid by the district which the trustees represent. Vacancies during a term may be filled by election, or by appointment by the board of supervisors, at the option of the remaining trustees. The trustees must be residents of the district. The term of succeeding trustees shall be for three years.2. After the initial board of trustees is selected, a candidate for trustee shall be nominated by a personal affidavit of the candidate or by petition of at least ten eligible electors of the district and the candidate's affidavit, which shall be filed with the county commissioner of elections at least twenty-five days before the date of the election. The form of the candidate's affidavit shall be substantially the same as provided in section 45.3.91 Acts, ch 111, §1; 92 Acts, ch 1204, §14
C24, 27, 31, 35, §5524; C39, §5526.13; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §357.13 91 Acts, ch 111, §1; 92 Acts, ch 1204, §14