Section 352.4 - County inventories1. Each county commission shall compile a county land use inventory of the unincorporated areas of the county by July 1, 1984. The county inventories shall where adequate data is available contain at least the following: a. The land available and used for agricultural purposes by soil suitability classifications or land capability classification, whichever is available.b. The lands used for public facilities, which may include parks, recreation areas, schools, government buildings, and historical sites.c. The lands used for private open spaces, which may include woodlands, wetlands, and water bodies.d. The land used for each of the following uses: commercial, industrial including mineral extraction, residential, and transportation.e. The lands which have been converted from agricultural use to residential use, commercial or industrial use, or public facilities since 1960.2. In addition to that provided under subsection 1, the county inventory shall also contain the land inside the boundaries of a city which is taxed as agricultural land.3. The information required by subsection 1 shall be provided both in narrative and map form. The county commission shall provide a cartographic display which contrasts the county's present land use with the land use in the county in 1960 based on the best available information. The display need only show the areas in agriculture, private open spaces, public facilities, commercial, industrial, residential, and transportation uses.4. The department of agriculture and land stewardship, department of management, department of natural resources, Iowa geological survey, state agricultural extension service, and the economic development authority shall, upon request, provide to each county commission any pertinent land use information available to assist in the compiling of the county land use inventories.83 Acts, ch 101, §6; 83 Acts, ch 137, §26; 84 Acts, ch 1303, §22 2011 Acts, ch 118, §85, 89; 2019 Acts, ch 131, §33; 2020 Acts, ch 1062, §47, 48
Amended by 2020 Iowa, ch 1062, s 48, eff. 7/1/2020.Amended by 2020 Iowa, ch 1062, s 47, eff. 7/1/2020.Amended by 2019 Iowa, ch 131, s 33, eff. 5/13/2019.C79, 81, §93A.4(9); 82 Acts, ch 1245, §583 Acts, ch 101, §6; 83 Acts, ch 137, §26; 84 Acts, ch 1303, §22C87, §176B.4 C93, §352.4 2011 Acts, ch 118, §85, 89