Section 350.6 - Moneys - contracts - bonds1. Upon request of the county conservation board, the board of supervisors shall establish a reserve for county conservation land acquisition and capital improvement projects. The board of supervisors may periodically credit an amount of money to the reserve. Moneys credited to the reserve shall remain in the reserve until expended for the projects upon warrants requisitioned by the county conservation board. The interest earned on moneys received from bequests and donations in the reserve account which are invested pursuant to section 12C.1 shall be credited to the reserve account.2. Annually, the total amount of money credited to the reserve, plus moneys appropriated for conservation purposes from sources other than the reserve, shall not be less than the amount of gifts, contributions, and bequests of money, rent, licenses, fees, charges, and other revenues received by the county conservation board. However, moneys given, bequeathed, or contributed upon specified trusts shall be held, appropriated, and expended in accordance with the trust specified.3. Grants provided by the natural resource commission from its county conservation board fund shall be expended solely for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this chapter.4. The county auditor shall keep a complete record of the appropriations and shall issue warrants on them only on requisition of the county conservation board. The county conservation board is subject to the contract letting procedures in section 331.341, subsections 1, 2, and 4. Upon request of the county conservation board, the board of supervisors may issue general county purpose bonds for the purposes in section 331.441, subsection 2, paragraph "c", subparagraph (2), as provided in chapter 331, subchapter IV, part 3.83 Acts, ch 123, §58, 209; 84 Acts, ch 1262, §5; 86 Acts, ch 1245, §1879; 88 Acts, ch 1216, §45 C93, §350.6 2017 Acts, ch 54, § 76; 2018 Acts, ch 1041, § 127
C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, S81, §111A.6; 81 Acts, ch 28, §3, ch 117, §1014, 101583 Acts, ch 123, §58, 209; 84 Acts, ch 1262, §5; 86 Acts, ch 1245, §1879; 88 Acts, ch 1216, §45C93, §350.6