Section 84A.13A - Iowa child care challenge program - fund1. For purposes of this section, "consortium" means a consortium of two or more employers or businesses, at least one of which must be a private employer.2. The Iowa child care challenge program is established in the department of workforce development. The department shall administer the program in consultation with the workforce development board. The purpose of the Iowa child care challenge program is to encourage and enable businesses, nonprofit organizations, and consortiums to establish local child care facilities and increase the availability of quality, affordable child care for working Iowans.3. The department of workforce development shall adopt rules under chapter 17A establishing a program application and award process to match business, nonprofit organization, or consortium moneys and the criteria for the allocation of moneys in the fund established pursuant to subsection 4. A business, nonprofit organization, or consortium seeking matching moneys shall submit an application and a proposal for the new construction of a child care facility, rehabilitation of an existing structure as a child care facility, or the retrofitting and repurposing of an existing structure for use as a child care facility to the department. Proposals shall include a financial statement and a description of funds to be provided by the business, nonprofit organization, or consortium, including in-kind donations, and a plan for sustainability. Match amount awards made by the department that are unclaimed or unused as of June 1 of the fiscal year shall be canceled by the department.4. An Iowa child care challenge fund is created in the state treasury as a separate fund under the control of the department of workforce development, in consultation with the workforce development board. The fund shall consist of appropriations made to the fund, any other moneys available to and obtained or accepted by the department from the federal government or private sources for placement in the fund, and transfers of interest, earnings, and moneys from other funds as provided by law. The assets of the fund shall be used by the department only for purposes of this section. All moneys deposited, transferred to, or paid into the fund are appropriated and made available to the department to be used for purposes of this section. Any unclaimed moneys in the fund by June 1 annually shall be transferred to the Iowa employer innovation fund, created pursuant to section 84A.13, to be used only for purposes of the Iowa employer innovation program established pursuant to section 84A.13. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys deposited after May 1 annually in the Iowa child care challenge fund that remain unencumbered or unobligated at the close of a fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund of the state but shall be transferred to the Iowa employer innovation fund created pursuant to section 84A.13 to be used for purposes of the Iowa employer innovation program established pursuant to section 84A.13.Added by 2020 Iowa, ch 1117, s 6, eff. 7/1/2020.