Iowa Code § 8.5

Current through bills signed by governor as of 5/17/2024
Section 8.5

The director of the department of management shall have the power and authority to:

1.Personnel. Employ personnel as necessary for the performance of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the department of management.
2.Compensation of employees. Fix the compensation, with the approval of the governor, of any person employed by the director, provided that the total amount paid in salaries shall not exceed the appropriation made for that purpose.
3.Discharge of employees. Discharge any employee of the department of management.
4.Miscellaneous duties. Exercise and perform such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law.

Make such investigations of the organization, activities, and methods of procedure of the several departments and establishments as the director of the department of management may be called upon to make by the governor or general assembly.

6.Legislative assistance.
a. Furnish to any committee of either house of the general assembly having jurisdiction over revenues or appropriations such assistance and information regarding the financial affairs of the government as the committee may request.
b. Develop and recommend legislative proposals deemed necessary for the continued efficiency of the department of management in performing information technology functions under subchapter XI, and review legislative proposals generated outside of the department which are related to matters within the department's purview.
7.Rules. Make such rules, subject to the approval of the governor, as may be necessary for effectively carrying on the work of the department of management. The director may, with the approval of the executive council, require any state official, agency, department, or commission, to require any applicant, registrant, filer, permit holder, or license holder, whether individual, partnership, trust, or corporation, to submit to said official, agency, department, or commission, the social security number or the tax number or both so assigned to said individual, partnership, trust, or corporation.
8.Allotments. Perform the necessary work involved in reviewing requests for allotments as are submitted to the governor for approval.
9.Budget document. Prepare the budget document and draft the legislation to make it effective.
10.Taxation transparency and disclosure. Exercise the powers and perform the duties and responsibilities of the director and the department as authorized or required under chapter 8G.
11.General control. Perform such other duties as may be required to effectively control the financial operations of the government as limited by this chapter.
12.Capital project budgeting requests. Compile annually all capital project budgeting requests of all state agencies, as those terms are defined in section 8.3A, and to consolidate the requests, with individual state agency priorities noted, into a report for submission with the budget documents by the governor pursuant to section 8.22. Any additional information regarding the capital project budgeting requests or priorities shall be compiled and submitted in the same report.
13.Capital project planning and budgeting authority. Call upon any state agency, as defined in section 8.3A, for assistance the director may require in performing the director's duties under subsection 12. All state agencies, upon the request of the director, shall assist the director and are authorized to make available to the director any existing studies, surveys, plans, data, and other materials in the possession of the state agencies which are relevant to the director's duties.
14.State tort claims -- risk management coordinator. Designate a position within the department of management to serve as the executive branch's risk management coordinator.
a. The risk management coordinator shall have all of the following responsibilities:
(1) Coordinating and monitoring risk control policies and programs in the executive branch, including but not limited to coordination with the employees of departments who are responsible for the workers' compensation for state employees and management of state property.
(2) Consulting with the attorney general with respect to the risk control policies and programs and trends in claims and liability of the state under chapter 669.
(3) Coordinating the state's central data repository for claims and risk information.
b. The costs of salary, benefits, and support for the risk management coordinator shall be authorized by the state appeal board established in chapter 73A and shall be paid as claims for services furnished to the state under section 25.2.
15.Salary model administrator. Designate a position within the department of management to serve as the salary model administrator.
a. The salary model administrator shall work in conjunction with the legislative services agency to maintain the state's salary model used for analyzing, comparing, and projecting state employee salary and benefit information, including information relating to employees of the state board of regents.
b. The department of revenue, the department of administrative services, the institutions governed by the state board of regents pursuant to section 262.7, each judicial district's department of correctional services, and the state department of transportation shall provide salary data to the department of management and the legislative services agency to operate the state's salary model. The format and frequency of provision of the salary data shall be determined by the department of management and the legislative services agency.
c. The information shall be used in collective bargaining processes under chapter 20 and in calculating the funding needs contained within any annual salary adjustment legislation. A state employee organization as defined in section 20.3, subsection 4, may request information produced by the model, but the information provided shall not contain information attributable to individual employees.
15A.County and city bond issuance. To annually prepare and file with the general assembly by January 1 a report specifying the updated population thresholds as adjusted under section 331.442, subsection 5, and section 384.26, subsection 5, and detailing the use of the bond issuance procedures under section 331.442, subsection 5, and section 384.26, subsection 5, including the usage of such procedures by counties and cities based on the population-based limitations and the amount of bonds issued for each such usage.
16.Chief information officer. Designate a position within the department of management to serve as the chief information officer for the department and supported entities, as defined in section 8B.1, who shall be the sole chief information officer for the department and supported entities.
17.Gubernatorial advice. Provide advice to the governor, including advice related to information technology, as defined in section 8B.1.
18.Information technology consultation. Consult with departments and establishments on issues related to information technology, as defined in section 8B.1.
19.Cybersecurity. Exercise the sole authority in the executive branch of state government for convening cross-jurisdictional, multi-entity collaborations to address cybersecurity issues for supported entities, as defined in section 8B.1.
20.Designation of services -- funding -- customer council.
a. Establish a process by which the department of management, in consultation with the department of administrative services, determines which services provided by the department of administrative services shall be funded by an appropriation and which services shall be funded by the governmental entity receiving the service.
b. Establish a process for determining whether the department of administrative services shall be the sole provider of a service for purposes of those services which the department of management determines under paragraph "a" are to be funded by the governmental entities receiving the service.
(1) Establish, by rule, a customer council responsible for overseeing the services provided solely by the department of administrative services. The rules adopted shall provide for all of the following:
(a) The method of appointment of members to the council by the governmental entities required to receive the services.
(b) The duties of the customer council which shall be as follows:
(i) Annual review and approval of the department of administrative services' business plan regarding services provided solely by the department of administrative services.
(ii) Annual review and approval of the procedure for resolving complaints concerning services provided by the department of administrative services.
(iii) Annual review and approval of the procedure for setting rates for the services provided solely by the department of administrative services.
(c) A process for receiving input from affected governmental entities as well as for a biennial review by the customer council of the determinations made by the department of management of which services are funded by an appropriation to the department of administrative services and which services are funded by the governmental entities receiving the service, including any recommendations as to whether the department of administrative services shall be the sole provider of a service funded by the governmental entities receiving the service. The department of management, in consultation with the department of administrative services, may change the determination of a service if the change is in the best interests of those governmental entities receiving the service.
(2) If a service to be provided may also be provided to the judicial branch or legislative branch, then the rules shall provide that the chief justice of the supreme court may appoint a member to the customer council, and the legislative council may appoint a member from the senate and a member from the house of representatives to the customer council, respectively, at their discretion.
21.Annual report. On an annual basis, the department of management shall prepare a report to the governor and the general assembly regarding the total spending on technology for the previous fiscal year, the total amount appropriated for the current fiscal year, and an estimate of the amount to be requested for the succeeding fiscal year for all supported entities, as defined in section 8B.1. The report must include a five-year projection of technology cost savings, an accounting of the level of technology cost savings for the current fiscal year, and a comparison of the level of technology cost savings for the current fiscal year with that of the previous fiscal year. The department shall file the report as soon as possible after the close of a fiscal year, and by no later than the second Monday of January of each year.
22.Other powers and duties. Exercise and perform such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law.

Iowa Code § 8.5

Amended by 2024 Iowa HF 2708,s 82, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by 2024 Iowa HF 2708,s 5, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by 2024 Iowa HF 2708,s 4, eff. 7/1/2024.
C51, §50 - 58; R60, §71 - 79, 1967; C73, §66 - 74; C97, §89 - 97, 162; S13, §89, 162, 163-a, 170-e, -f; SS15, §170-r, -s, -t, -u; C24, §102 - 109, 391 - 407; C27, §102 - 109, 130-a1, 391 - 407; C31, §102 - 109, 130-a1, 391 - 397, 397-d1, 398 - 407; C35, §84-e5; C39, § 84.05; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 8.5

Merit system, chapter 8A, subchapter IV