Section 15.436 - Cultural grant programs1. The authority shall establish a grant program for cities and nonprofit, tax-exempt community organizations for the development of community programs that provide local jobs for Iowa residents and also promote Iowa's historic, ethnic, and cultural heritages through the development of festivals, music, drama, cultural programs, or tourist attractions. A city or nonprofit, tax-exempt community organization may submit an application to the authority for review. The authority shall establish criteria for the review and approval of grant applications. The amount of a grant shall not exceed fifty percent of the cost of the community program. Each application shall include information demonstrating that the city or nonprofit, tax-exempt community organization will provide matching funds of fifty percent of the cost of the program. The matching funds requirement may be met by substituting in-kind services, based on the value of the services, for actual dollars.2. The authority shall establish a grant program which provides general operating budget support to major, multidisciplinary cultural organizations that demonstrate cultural and managerial excellence on a continuing basis to the citizens of Iowa. Applicant organizations must be incorporated under chapter 504, be exempt from federal taxation, and not be attached or affiliated with an educational institution. Eligible organizations shall be operated on a year-round basis and employ at least one full-time, paid professional staff member. The authority shall establish criteria for review and approval of grant applications. Criteria established shall include, but are not limited to, a matching funds requirement. The matching funds requirement shall permit an applicant to meet the matching requirement by demonstrating that the applicant's budget contains funds, other than state and federal funds, in excess of the grant award.3. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys committed to grantees under this section that remain unencumbered or unobligated on June 30 of the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated shall not revert but shall be available for expenditure for the following fiscal year for the purposes of subsection 2.90 Acts, ch 1272, §77 91 Acts, ch 120, §2; 97 Acts, ch 212, §32; 2004 Acts, ch 1049, §191; 2004 Acts, ch 1175, §393; 2023 Acts, ch 19, § 2084, 2125
Renumbered from Iowa Code s 303.3 by 2023 Iowa, ch 19, s 2125, eff. 7/1/2023.90 Acts, ch 1272, §77; 91 Acts, ch 120, §2; 97 Acts, ch 212, §32; 2004 Acts, ch 1049, §191; 2004 Acts, ch 1175, §393Referred to in §15.438, 99F.11
Section transferred from §303.3 in Code 2024 pursuant to directive in 2023 Acts, ch 19, § 2125
Subsections 1 and 2 amended