Section 33-24-58.2 - Newborn Baby and Mother Protection Act; minimum health benefit policy coverage; prohibited actions by insurance providers; required notice to mother(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Attending provider" means: (A) Pediatricians and other physicians attending the newborn; and(B) Obstetricians, other physicians, and certified nurse midwives attending the mother.(2) "Health benefit policy" means any individual or group plan, policy, or contract for health care services issued, delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed in this state, including those contracts executed by the state on behalf of indigents and on behalf of state employees under Article 1 of Chapter 18 of Title 45, by a health care corporation, health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization, accident and sickness insurer, fraternal benefit society, or other insurer or similar entity.(3) "Insurer" means an accident and sickness insurer, fraternal benefit society, health care corporation, health maintenance organization, or any similar entity authorized to issue contracts under this title and also means any state program funded under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C.A. Section 1396, et seq., and any other publicly funded state health care program.(b) Every health benefit policy that provides maternity benefits that is delivered, issued, executed, or renewed in this state or approved for issuance or renewal in this state by the Commissioner shall provide coverage for a minimum of 48 hours of inpatient care following a normal vaginal delivery and a minimum of 96 hours of inpatient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newly born child in a licensed health care facility.(c) Any decision to shorten the length of stay to less than that provided under subsection (b) of this Code section shall be made by the attending physician, the obstetrician, pediatrician, or certified nurse midwife after conferring with the mother.(d) If a mother and newborn are discharged pursuant to subsection (c) of this Code section prior to the postpartum inpatient length of stay provided under subsection (b) of this Code section, coverage shall be provided for up to two follow-up visits, provided that the first such visit shall occur within 48 hours of discharge. Such visits shall be conducted by a physician, a physician assistant, or a registered professional nurse with experience and training in maternal and child health nursing. After conferring with the mother, the health care provider shall determine whether the initial visit will be conducted at home or at the office. Thereafter, he or she shall confer with the mother and determine whether a second visit is appropriate and where it shall be conducted. Services provided shall include, but not be limited to, physical assessment of the newborn, parent education, assistance and training in breast or bottle feeding, assessment of the home support system, and the performance of any medically necessary and appropriate clinical tests. Such services shall be consistent with protocols and guidelines developed by national pediatric, obstetric, and nursing professional organizations for these services.(e) The Commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this Code section.(f) Every insurer shall provide notice to policyholders regarding the coverage required by this Code section. The notice shall be in writing and prominently positioned in any of the following literature:(1) The next mailing to the policyholder;(2) The yearly informational packets sent to the policyholder; or(3) Other literature. In addition to such notice, the insurer shall also provide a notice to the expectant mother within 30 days following the date the insurer first learns that the expectant mother covered by maternity benefits of the health benefit policy is pregnant in substantially the following form:
The Newborn Baby and Mother Protection Act (Code Section 33-24-58.2 of the O.C.G.A.) requires that health benefit policies which provide maternity benefits must provide coverage for a minimum of 48 hours of inpatient care following a normal vaginal delivery and a minimum of 96 hours of inpatient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newborn child. The care must be provided in a licensed health care facility. A decision to shorten the length of stay may be made only by the attending health care provider after conferring with the mother. If the stay is shortened, coverage must be provided for up to two follow-up visits with specified health care providers with the first visit being within 48 hours after discharge. After conferring with the mother, the health care provider must determine whether the initial visit will be conducted at home or at the office and whether a second visit is appropriate. Specified services are required to be provided at such visits."
(g) No insurer covered under this Code section shall deselect, terminate the services of, require additional utilization review, reduce capitation payment, or otherwise penalize an attending physician or other health care provider who orders care consistent with the provisions of this Code section. For purposes of this subsection, health care provider shall be defined to include the attending physician, certified nurse midwife, and hospital.Amended by 2019 Ga. Laws 140,§ 60, eff. 7/1/2019.Amended by 2009 Ga. Laws 243,§ 3, eff. 7/1/2009.Amended by 2005 Ga. Laws 19,§ 33, eff. 4/7/2005.Amended by 2002 Ga. Laws 770, § 1, eff. 7/1/2002.