Section 33-11-5 - Required investments; limitationsAn insurer shall invest in or hold as admitted assets categories of investments that fall within the applicable limits listed in paragraphs (1) through (3) of this Code section:
(1)One person. Any insurer shall not, except with the Commissioner's consent, have at any one time any combinations of investments in or loans upon the security of the obligations, property, or securities of any one person, institution, corporation, or municipal corporation, aggregating an amount in excess of 10 percent of the insurer's admitted assets. This restriction shall not apply as to general obligations of the United States of America or of the government of Canada or of any state, nor include policy loans under this article;(2)Voting stock. An insurer shall not invest in or hold at any one time more than 10 percent of the outstanding voting stock of any corporation, except with the Commissioner's consent. This provision does not apply as to stock of a substantially wholly owned insurance subsidiary of the insurer, but the prior written consent of the Commissioner shall be required for investment in a subsidiary;(3)Minimum capital. An insurer shall invest and maintain invested funds not less in amount than the minimum paid-in capital stock required under this title of a domestic stock insurer transacting like kinds of insurance, only in the following: (B) Certificates of deposit or similar certificates or evidences of deposit in banks and trust companies to the extent that the certificates or deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;(C) Savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or similar certificates or evidences of deposit in savings and loan associations and building and loan associations to the extent that the same are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation;(D) The securities provided for under Code Section 33-11-9;(E) The securities provided for under Code Section 33-11-11;(F) The securities provided for under Code Section 33-11-12;(G) The securities provided for under Code Section 33-11-13; and(H) The securities provided for under Code Section 33-11-25;(4)Investment of reserves. In addition to the investments in paragraph (3) of this Code section, an insurer shall invest and keep invested its funds in amounts not less than 100 percent of the reserves provided for by this title, in cash or the securities or investments authorized under this article; provided, however, that an amount equal to not less than 75 percent of the reserves shall be invested in securities other than common stocks;(5)Other specific limits. Limits as to investments in the category of real estate shall be as provided in Code Sections 33-11-29 through 33-11-32; provided, however, that, except as authorized by subsection (b) of Code Section 33-11-29, all such investments shall not exceed the lesser of 10 percent of admitted assets or 50 percent of the policyholder's surplus; and other specific limits shall apply as stated in Code sections dealing with other respective kinds of investments.