Ga. Code § 21-2-132

Current through 2023-2024 Legislative Session Chapter 709
Section 21-2-132 - Filing notice of candidacy, nomination petition, and affidavit; reopening qualifying period; payment of qualifying fee; pauper's affidavit and qualifying petition for exemption from qualifying fee
(a) The names of nominees of political parties nominated in a primary and the names of nominees of political parties for the office of presidential elector shall be placed on the election ballot without their filing the notice of candidacy otherwise required by this Code section.
(b) Candidates seeking election in a nonpartisan election shall comply with the requirements of subsections (c) and (f) of this Code section, as modified by subsection (g) of this Code section, by the date prescribed and shall by the same date pay to the proper authority the qualifying fee prescribed by Code Section 21-2-131 in order to be eligible to have their names placed on the nonpartisan election ballots.
(c) All candidates seeking election in a nonpartisan election shall file their notice of candidacy and pay the prescribed qualifying fee by the date prescribed in this subsection in order to be eligible to have their names placed on the nonpartisan election ballot by the Secretary of State or election superintendent, as the case may be, in the following manner:
(1) Each candidate for the office of judge of the superior court, Judge of the Court of Appeals, or Justice of the Supreme Court, or the candidate's agent, desiring to have his or her name placed on the nonpartisan election ballot shall file a notice of candidacy, giving his or her name, residence address, and the office sought, in the office of the Secretary of State no earlier than 9:00 A.M. on the Monday of the eleventh week immediately prior to the election and no later than 12:00 Noon on the Friday immediately following such Monday, notwithstanding the fact that any such days may be legal holidays;
(2) Each candidate for a county judicial office, a local board of education office, or an office of a consolidated government, or the candidate's agent, desiring to have his or her name placed on the nonpartisan election ballot shall file notice of candidacy in the office of the superintendent no earlier than 9:00 A.M. on the Monday of the eleventh week immediately prior to the election and no later than 12:00 Noon on the Friday immediately following such Monday, notwithstanding the fact that any such days may be legal holidays;
(A) Each candidate for a nonpartisan municipal office or a designee shall file a notice of candidacy in the office of the municipal superintendent of such candidate's municipality during the municipality's nonpartisan qualifying period. Each municipal superintendent shall designate the days of such qualifying period, which shall be no less than three days and no more than five days. The days of the qualifying period shall be consecutive days. Nonpartisan qualifying periods shall commence no earlier than 8:30 A.M. on the third Monday in August immediately preceding the general election and shall end no later than 4:30 P.M. on the following Friday; and, in the case of a special election, the municipal nonpartisan qualifying period shall commence no earlier than the date of the call and shall end no later than 25 days prior to the election.
(B) In any case in which no individual has filed a notice of candidacy and paid the prescribed qualifying fee to fill a particular office in a nonpartisan municipal election, the governing authority of the municipality shall be authorized to reopen qualifying for candidates at 9:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the close of the preceding qualifying period and cease such qualifying at 5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday immediately following such Monday, notwithstanding the fact that such days may be legal holidays;
(3.1) In any case where no candidate has filed notice of candidacy and paid the prescribed qualifying fee in a nonpartisan election prior to the close of the applicable qualifying period prescribed in this subsection, qualifying for candidates shall be reopened at 9:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the close of the preceding qualifying period and shall cease at 5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday immediately following such reopening, notwithstanding the fact that any such days may be legal holidays; and
(4) In any case where an incumbent has filed notice of candidacy and paid the prescribed qualifying fee in a nonpartisan election to succeed himself or herself in office but withdraws as a candidate for such office prior to the close of the applicable qualifying period prescribed in this subsection, qualifying for candidates other than such incumbent shall be reopened at 9:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the close of the preceding qualifying period and shall cease at 5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday immediately following such reopening, notwithstanding the fact that any such days may be legal holidays.
(d) All political body and independent candidates shall file their notice of candidacy and pay the prescribed qualifying fee by the date prescribed in this subsection in order to be eligible to have their names placed on the election ballot by the Secretary of State or election superintendent, as the case may be, in the following manner:
(1) Each elector for President or Vice President of the United States, or his or her agent, desiring to have the names of his or her candidates for President and Vice President placed on the election ballot shall file a notice of his or her candidacy, giving his or her name, residence address, and the office he or she is seeking, in the office of the Secretary of State during the period beginning at 9:00 A.M. on the fourth Monday in June immediately prior to the election and ending at 12:00 Noon on the Friday following the fourth Monday in June, notwithstanding the fact that any such days may be legal holidays;
(2) Each candidate for United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, or state office, or his or her agent, desiring to have his or her name placed on the election ballot shall file a notice of his or her candidacy, giving his or her name, residence address, and the office he or she is seeking, in the office of the Secretary of State during the period beginning at 9:00 A.M. on the Monday of the thirty-fifth week immediately prior to the election and ending at 12:00 Noon on the Friday immediately following such Monday, notwithstanding the fact that any such days may be legal holidays, in the case of a general election. In the case of a special election to fill a federal office listed in this subsection, each candidate shall file a notice of his or her candidacy, giving his or her name, residence address, and the office he or she is seeking, in the office of the Secretary of State no earlier than the date of the call of the special election and no later than 60 days prior to the special election. In the case of a special election to fill a state office, each candidate shall file a notice of his or her candidacy, giving his or her name, residence address, and the office he or she is seeking, in the office of the Secretary of State no earlier than the date of the call of the special election and no later than 25 days prior to the special election;
(3) Each candidate for a county office, or his or her agent, desiring to have his or her name placed on the election ballot shall file notice of his or her candidacy in the office of the superintendent of his or her county during the period beginning at 9:00 A.M. on the Monday of the thirty-fifth week immediately prior to the election and ending at 12:00 Noon on the Friday immediately following such Monday, notwithstanding the fact that any such days may be legal holidays, in the case of a general election and no earlier than the date of the call of the election and no later than 25 days prior to the election in the case of a special election;
(4) Each candidate for municipal office or a designee shall file a notice of candidacy in the office of the municipal superintendent of such candidate's municipality during the municipality's qualifying period. Each municipal superintendent shall designate the days of the qualifying period, which shall be no less than three days and no more than five days. The days of the qualifying period shall be consecutive days. Qualifying periods shall commence no earlier than 8:30 A.M. on the third Monday in August immediately preceding the general election and shall end no later than 4:30 P.M. on the following Friday; and, in the case of a special election, the municipal qualifying period shall commence no earlier than the date of the call and shall end no later than 25 days prior to the election; and
(A) In extraordinary circumstances as described in Code Section 21-2-543.1, each candidate, or his or her agent, desiring to have his or her name placed on the election ballot shall file a notice of his or her candidacy, giving his or her name, residence address, and the office he or she is seeking, with the office of the Secretary of State no earlier than the date of the call of the special election and no later than ten days after the announcement of such extraordinary circumstances.
(B) The provisions of this subsection shall not apply where, during the 75 day period beginning on the date of the announcement of the vacancy:
(i) A regularly scheduled general election for the vacant office is to be held; or
(ii) Another special election for the vacant office is to be held pursuant to a writ for a special election issued by the Governor prior to the date of the announcement of the vacancy.

The hours of qualifying each day shall be from 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. with one hour allowed for the lunch break; provided, however, that municipalities which have normal business hours which cover a lesser period of time shall conduct qualifying during normal business hours for each such municipality. Except in the case of a special election, notice of the opening and closing dates and the hours for candidates to qualify shall be published at least two weeks prior to the opening of the qualifying period.

(e) Each candidate required to file a notice of candidacy by this Code section shall, no earlier than 9:00 A.M. on the fourth Monday in June immediately prior to the election and no later than 12:00 Noon on the second Tuesday in July immediately prior to the election, file with the same official with whom he or she filed his or her notice of candidacy a nomination petition in the form prescribed in Code Section 21-2-170, except that such petition shall not be required if such candidate is:
(1) A nominee of a political party for the office of presidential elector when such party has held a national convention and therein nominated candidates for President and Vice President of the United States;
(2) Seeking office in a special election;
(3) An incumbent qualifying as a candidate to succeed himself or herself;
(4) A candidate seeking election in a nonpartisan election; or
(5) A nominee for a state-wide office by a duly constituted political body convention, provided that the political body making the nomination has qualified to nominate candidates for state-wide public office under the provisions of Code Section 21-2-180.
(f) Each candidate required by this Code section to file a notice of candidacy shall accompany his or her notice of candidacy with an affidavit stating:
(1) His or her full name and the name as the candidate desires it to be listed on the ballot. The surname of the candidate shall be the surname of the candidate as it appears on the candidate's voter registration card unless the candidate provides proof that his or her surname as it appears on the candidate's registration card is incorrect in which event the correct name shall be listed. After such name is submitted to the Secretary of State or the election superintendent, the form of such name shall not be changed during the election for which such notice of candidacy is submitted;
(2) His or her residence, with street and number, if any, and his or her post office address;
(3) His or her profession, business, or occupation, if any;
(4) The name of his or her precinct;
(5) That he or she is an elector of the county or municipality of his or her residence eligible to vote in the election in which he or she is a candidate;
(6) The name of the office he or she is seeking;
(7) That he or she is eligible to hold such office;
(8) That the candidate has never been convicted and sentenced in any court of competent jurisdiction for fraudulent violation of primary or election laws, malfeasance in office, or felony involving moral turpitude or conviction of domestic violence under the laws of this state or any other state or of the United States, or that the candidate's civil rights have been restored and that at least ten years have elapsed from the date of the completion of the sentence without a subsequent conviction of another felony involving moral turpitude;
(9) That he or she will not knowingly violate this chapter or rules and regulations adopted under this chapter; and
(10) Any other information as may be determined by the Secretary of State to be necessary to comply with federal and state law.

The affidavit shall contain such other information as may be prescribed by the officer with whom the candidate files his or her notice of candidacy.

(g) A pauper's affidavit may be filed in lieu of paying the qualifying fee otherwise required by this Code section and Code Sections 21-2-131 and 21-2-138 of any candidate who has filed a qualifying petition as provided for in subsection (h) of this Code section. A candidate filing a pauper's affidavit instead of paying a qualifying fee shall under oath affirm his or her poverty and his or her resulting inability to pay the qualifying fee otherwise required. The form of the affidavit shall be prescribed by the Secretary of State and shall include a financial statement which lists the total income, assets, liabilities, and other relevant financial information of the candidate and shall indicate on its face that the candidate has neither the assets nor the income to pay the qualifying fee otherwise required. The affidavit shall contain an oath that such candidate has neither the assets nor the income to pay the qualifying fee otherwise required. The following warning shall be printed on the affidavit form prepared by the Secretary of State, to wit: "WARNING: Any person knowingly making any false statement on this affidavit commits the offense of false swearing and shall be guilty of a felony." The name of any candidate who subscribes and swears to an oath that such candidate has neither the assets nor the income to pay the qualifying fee otherwise required shall be placed on the ballot by the Secretary of State or election superintendent, as the case may be.
(h) No candidate shall be authorized to file a pauper's affidavit in lieu of paying the qualifying fee otherwise required by this Code section and Code Section 21-2-138 unless such candidate has filed a qualifying petition which complies with the following requirements:
(1) A qualifying petition of a candidate seeking an office which is voted upon state wide shall be signed by a number of voters equal to one-fourth of 1 percent of the total number of registered voters eligible to vote in the last election for the filling of the office the candidate is seeking and the signers of such petition shall be registered and eligible to vote in the election at which such candidate seeks to be elected. A qualifying petition of a candidate for any other office shall be signed by a number of voters equal to 1 percent of the total number of registered voters eligible to vote in the last election for the filling of the office the candidate is seeking and the signers of such petition shall be registered and eligible to vote in the election at which such candidate seeks to be elected. However, in the case of a candidate seeking an office for which there has never been an election or seeking an office in a newly constituted constituency, the percentage figure shall be computed on the total number of registered voters in the constituency who would have been qualified to vote for such office had the election been held at the last general election and the signers of such petition shall be registered and eligible to vote in the election at which such candidate seeks to be elected;
(2) Each person signing a qualifying petition shall declare therein that he or she is a duly qualified and registered elector of the state entitled to vote in the next election for the filling of the office sought by the candidate supported by the petition and shall add to his or her signature his or her residence address, giving municipality, if any, and county, with street and number, if any. No person shall sign the same petition more than once. Each petition shall support the candidacy of only a single candidate. A signature shall be stricken from the petition when the signer so requests prior to the presentation of the petition to the appropriate officer for filing, but such a request shall be disregarded if made after such presentation. Each sheet shall bear on the bottom or back thereof the affidavit of the circulator of such sheet, which shall be subscribed and sworn to by such circulator before a notary public and shall set forth:
(A) His or her residence address, giving municipality with street and number, if any;
(B) That each signer manually signed his or her own name with full knowledge of the contents of the qualifying petition;
(C) That each signature on such sheet was signed within 180 days of the last day on which such petition may be filed; and
(D) That, to the best of the affiant's knowledge and belief, the signers are registered electors of the state qualified to sign the petition, that their respective residences are correctly stated in the petition, and that they all reside in the county named in the affidavit;
(3) A qualifying petition shall be in the form and manner determined by the Secretary of State and approved by the State Elections Board;
(4) No qualifying petition shall be circulated prior to 180 days before the last day on which such petition may be filed, and no signature shall be counted unless it was signed within 180 days of the last day for filing the same; and
(5) A qualifying petition shall not be amended or supplemented after its presentation to the appropriate officer for filing.

No notary public may sign the petition as an elector or serve as a circulator of any petition which he or she notarized. Any and all sheets of a petition that have the circulator's affidavit notarized by a notary public who also served as a circulator of one or more sheets of the petition or who signed one of the sheets of the petition as an elector shall be disqualified and rejected.

(i) Reserved.
(1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any elected public officer who is performing ordered military duty, as defined in Code Section 38-2-279, shall be eligible for reelection in any primary or general election which may be held to elect a successor for the next term of office, and may qualify in absentia as a candidate for reelection to such office. The performance of ordered military duty shall not create a vacancy in such office during the term for which such public officer was elected.
(2) Where the giving of written notice of candidacy is required, any elected public officer who is performing ordered military duty may deliver such notice by mail, agent, or messenger to the proper elections official. Any other act required by law of a candidate may, during the time such officer is on ordered military duty, be performed by an agent designated in writing by the absent public officer.

OCGA § 21-2-132

Amended by 2024 Ga. Laws 599,§ 2, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by 2018 Ga. Laws 562,§ 21, eff. 5/8/2018.
Amended by 2017 Ga. Laws 250,§ 3, eff. 7/1/2017.
Amended by 2016 Ga. Laws 625,§ 21, eff. 5/3/2016.
Amended by 2016 Ga. Laws 347,§ 3, eff. 4/26/2016.
Amended by 2016 Ga. Laws 347,§ 2, eff. 4/26/2016.
Amended by 2014 Ga. Laws 343,§ 1, eff. 1/21/2014.
Amended by 2012 Ga. Laws 719,§ 5, eff. 5/2/2012.
Amended by 2011 Ga. Laws 240,§ 2A, eff. 7/1/2011.
Amended by 2011 Ga. Laws 239,§ 1, eff. 7/1/2011.
Amended by 2009 Ga. Laws 75,§ 2, eff. 4/30/2009.
Amended by 2008 Ga. Laws 706,§ 6, eff. 7/1/2008.
Amended by 2006 Ga. Laws 452,§ 1, eff. 4/14/2006.
Amended by 2005 Ga. Laws 53,§ 13, eff. 1/1/2006
Amended by 2003 Ga. Laws 209, § 11, eff. 7/1/2003.
Amended by 2002 Ga. Laws 463, § 1, eff. 4/18/2002.
Amended by 2001SP Ga. Laws 2EX10, §2, eff. 9/26/2001.
Amended by 2001 Ga. Laws 166,§5, eff. 7/1/2001.