Section 9-21-6 - Aquatic Plant Management Fund(a) The Aquatic Plant Management Fund is established. The fund shall be a non-reverting fund administered by the board and shall consist of all monies received by the board pursuant to this chapter.(b) Money received from any state fund, federal funds, or money received from any other lawful source, including but not limited to gifts, grants, donations, securities, fees, assessments, settlements, or other assets, public or private, may be deposited in the fund.(c) Subject to subsection (d), money deposited into the fund must be used to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. Once deposited, monies in the fund may not be transferred to any other fund except for the lawful purpose provided for in this chapter.(d) Any contribution deposited into the fund and earmarked for a particular purpose must be used exclusively for that purpose.(e) Any interest and earnings from the fund shall be retained by the fund and expended for activities and projects allowed by this chapter. The board may accept gifts, grants, contracts, or other funds designated for aquatic plant management. The funds must be deposited in the fund and may be expended to support an aquatic plant management project.Ala. Code § 9-21-6 (1975)
Added by Act 2013-384,§ 6, eff. 8/1/2013.