- Section 8-17-210 - Definitions
- Section 8-17-211 - Permit for manufacture, sale, etc., of fireworks or pyrotechnics for use before a proximate audience; record of sales; enforcement
- Section 8-17-212 - Assignment and utilization of permit numbers
- Section 8-17-213 - Requirement that consignee produce permit, etc., prior to delivery, sale, etc., of fireworks; requirement that purchaser of fireworks obtain proof that seller possesses permit; keeping of records by permit holders
- Section 8-17-214 - Revocation of permit for reasons of purchasing, receiving, etc., illegal fireworks; notice of revocation; refusal to issue new permit to holder whose permit is cancelled or revoked
- Section 8-17-215 - Effect of article on state, county, and municipal license requirements; requirement of proof of current and valid sales tax number
- Section 8-17-216 - Permits for sale, use, etc., of special fireworks for public displays
- Section 8-17-216.1 - Use of pyrotechnics before a proximate audience
- Section 8-17-217 - Permissible items of fireworks
- Section 8-17-218 - Sale, use, etc., of special Class B commercial type ground salutes
- Section 8-17-219 - Conformance of permissible items to nomenclature of Section 8-17-217; identification marks on items
- Section 8-17-220 - Authorization for retail sales of permissible items of fireworks; items for which special fireworks permit at no time required
- Section 8-17-221 - Requirements as to storage, display, etc., of fireworks; retail sales of fireworks from tents, motor vehicles, etc.; inspection by State Fire Marshal, etc., of premises where fireworks are to be stored or sold
- Section 8-17-222 - Sale, etc., of fireworks to persons under 16 or intoxicated or irresponsible persons; display of identification by persons purchasing fireworks; acts constituting unlawful explosion or ignition of fireworks
- Section 8-17-223 - Applicability of article
- Section 8-17-224 - Penalty
- Section 8-17-225 - Authority of State Fire Marshal to seize and destroy illegal fireworks
- Section 8-17-226 - Effect of article on validity of city ordinances