Ala. Code § 5-18-5
Application for a license shall be in writing, under oath and in the form prescribed by the supervisor. The application shall give the approximate location where the business is to be conducted and shall contain such further relevant information as the supervisor may require, including the names and addresses of the partners, officers, directors, or trustees and of such of the principal owners or members as will provide the basis for the investigations and findings contemplated by Section 5-18-6. At the time of making such application, the applicant shall pay to the supervisor the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) as a fee for investigating the application. All licensees under this chapter shall pay an annual license fee of five hundred dollars ($500) for each office, branch, or place of business of the licensee, which shall be due on January 1 of each year and shall be for a one-year period ending December 31 following and shall be delinquent on February 1 of each year, and there shall be a penalty of 10 percent for each month or portion thereof added to such license fee upon delinquency and collected by the bureau. Two hundred dollars ($200) of each such license fee collected shall be paid into the special fund provided by Section 5-2A-20 and used in the supervision and examination of such licensees; provided further, that in fiscal year 1986, two hundred fifty dollars ($250) of each such license fee collected shall be paid into the special fund provided in Section 5-2A-20 and used in the supervision and examination of such licensees; provided further, that in fiscal year 1987, three hundred dollars ($300) of each such license fee collected shall be paid into the special fund provided by Section 5-2A-20 and used in the supervision and examination of such licensees; provided further, that in fiscal year 1988, three hundred fifty dollars ($350) of each such license fee collected shall be paid into the special fund provided in Section 5-2A-20 and used in the supervision and examination of such licensees; and provided further, that in fiscal year 1989 and thereafter, all such license fees collected shall be paid into the special fund provided by Section 5-2A-20 and used in the supervision and examination of such licensees. If any applicant licensed under this chapter for the first time shall commence business after April 1 in any year, the amount of the license fee shall be one half the amount of a full year's license fee. The amount of the license fee and penalties, if any, shall be paid to the Supervisor of the Bureau of Loans, who shall remit the same to the Treasurer of the State of Alabama as provided by law. The license provided for in this chapter shall be in addition to all other licenses now or hereafter provided for by law and shall be in addition to the tax provided for by Chapter 16 of Title 40; and the amount of the license fee levied by this section shall not be credited upon or deducted from, in whole or in part, the tax levied by said Chapter 16 as to the current state tax year or as to any prior or subsequent state tax year. No refunds for the current or any prior or subsequent state tax year or any portion of the tax levied by said Chapter 16 shall be made on the ground that the license fee levied by this section was not credited upon or deducted from the tax levied by said Chapter 16, and no civil action shall lie to enforce any claim for such refund.
Ala. Code § 5-18-5 (1975)