Section 45-8-71.01 - Development or disposal of Fort McClellan property(a) Calhoun County, Alabama, may take title as a result of conveyance from the federal government to any property within the current boundaries of Fort McClellan in Calhoun County, Alabama, for purposes of developing or redeveloping and disposal of the property according to plans and policies established by the Fort McClellan Development Commission provided for in Act 97-274 of the 1997 Regular Session and hereinafter referred to as the FMDC. The county commission shall administer all funds and fiscal operations associated with the development and redevelopment and disposal of the property and shall be reimbursed from the funds for actual expenses associated with administering the fiscal operations, and shall receive all amounts allowed, pursuant to any grant received, for administration.(b)(1) As a condition precedent to accepting a conveyance of title to the Fort McClellan property, the Calhoun County Commission shall secure if possible a written agreement from the federal government under which Calhoun County would be indemnified for any costs required to clean up or otherwise alleviate any environmental problem on the property.(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (1), Calhoun County may refuse to take title to or control of any tract, parcel, or portion of any property with an environmental problem, or possible environmental problem, and may take title to other tracts, parcels, or portions of the property.(c) The FMDC, and each of its officers, employees, servants, and agents, and each member of its board, shall be immune from suit, and not subject to civil liability, and shall not be liable for any tort, arising from or due to the conduct of the affairs of the FMDC pursuant to Act 97-274 of the 1997 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature, or as that act may from time to time be amended or modified.(d) The FMDC shall recommend the policy for the development and redevelopment of the Fort McClellan property and shall inform the Calhoun County Commission of the policy and the estimated cost of implementing the policy. The FMDC shall make recommendations to the Calhoun County Commission as to the implementation of the policy and how the policy may be carried out within available funds for the development and redevelopment of Fort McClellan. The Calhoun County Commission may deviate from the FMDC recommended policies only for clear and compelling reasons associated with fiscal responsibility. Any and all accounting and fiscal management practices shall rest solely with the Calhoun County Commission. Any utility facilities currently owned by the federal government on the former federal property (Fort McClellan) may be owned, leased, and otherwise disposed of by Calhoun County.(e) The City of Anniston shall provide city services and implement zoning for the property consistent with the FMDC redevelopment plan and state law. The county shall enter into agreements with the City of Anniston and the Water and Sewer Board of the City of Anniston for the provision of services in furtherance of the developing and redeveloping, and disposal of property pursuant to this section and consistent with the FMDC redevelopment plan and state law.(f) Any municipality that extends its corporate limits within any federal property shall not extend its police jurisdiction beyond its corporate limits.(g) The Calhoun County Commission, all municipalities within Calhoun County, all elected state and federal officials, and the FMDC shall work together to secure and use any available private and public grant funds for the development and redevelopment of Fort McClellan property.(h) If any of the Fort McClellan federal property is annexed to any municipality, the annexing municipality shall assume all rights, duties, authority, and liability associated with the annexed area. The annexed property shall be zoned so that its use shall be consistent with the FMDC plan.(i) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Calhoun County Commission and the City of Anniston from entering into an intergovernmental agreement to form a joint powers authority consistent with state law for the purpose of assisting with the development of the Fort McClellan property.Ala. Code § 45-8-71.01 (1975)