"The State of Alabama, Calhoun County, To whom it may concern: Take notice that the tax collector has filed in my office a list of delinquent taxpayers, and the real estate upon which taxes are due and therein reported that taxes on certain real estate assessed to the following named parties is delinquent (here insert names of delinquent taxpayers). This is to notify you to appear before the probate court of this county at the next term thereof, commencing on Monday, the ___ day of __________, 2___, then and there to show cause; if any you have, why a decree of sale of the real estate should not be made for the payment of the taxes, fees, and cost assessed upon each piece or parcel of land. (Signature of judge of probate), Judge of Probate."
"It appearing to the court that the taxes have been assessed against the real estate mentioned in this cause in the amount set opposite each piece or parcel of real estate described herein, and that the same is still due and unpaid and it further appearing that notice of these proceedings has been given as required by law and no valid defense has been interposed against the sale of the real estate for the payment of the taxes. It is therefore ordered, adjudged, and decreed by the court that the State of Alabama. Calhoun County, and any municipality in which the property is located, has a lien for the payment of the amount of taxes set opposite each piece or parcel of real estate together with interest at the rate of 12 percent on said sum from __________ (the date the taxes became delinquent), and for the additional sum of fees, charges, and cost in the cause in the amount set opposite each piece or parcel of real estate in a column marked 'fees and cost' on the real estate mentioned in this cause. It is further ordered, adjudged, and decreed that the real estate be sold for the payment of the delinquent taxes, and of the fees, charges, and cost, and expense of such sale."
Ala. Code § 45-8-240.31 (1975)