Section 45-8-120.07 - Civil Service Board - Rules and regulationsThe board shall make such rules and regulations as necessary to carry out the purposes of this article. The rules and regulations shall include, but not be limited to, provisions for:
(1) Classifying the different types of service to be performed in the service of the county;(2) allocating covered positions to their proper class;(3) prescribing job related qualifications for covered positions;(4) approving, in coordination with the county commission, any across-the-board increases or decreases;(5) assigning approved positions to the proper category of service;(6) announcing vacancies, establishing and conducting examinations, creating eligibility lists, and approving or authorizing initial appointments; (7) disciplining employees, to include dismissals, suspensions, demotions, and other actions;(8) hearing employee grievances;(9) separating individuals from county service and granting leaves of absence; and(10) establishing equitable pay levels for the different classifications established in the county subject to approval of the county commission. The board may, from time to time, make changes in such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to ensure effective administration of the civil service system. The board may appoint a clerk of the board who shall assist the board in the administration of the county civil service system and, upon authorization of the county commission, other clerical assistants as necessary to assist the clerk. The clerk of the board and other clerical assistants shall be assigned to the classified service and shall be subject to the same selection process and conditions of employment as other classified service employees. The board shall have reasonable access to all files, records, and data available in each activity of the county as necessary to properly perform the duties and responsibilities required by this article. Upon written request by the board to the appropriate official, the official shall furnish all records which the board desires to examine. The board shall also have the authority to select and engage legal counsel of its choice who shall be paid from funds established in the board's annual budget.Ala. Code § 45-8-120.07 (1975)