Section 45-51A-35.22 - DefinitionsAs used in this subpart, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) CITY. The City of Montgomery, Alabama.(2) CIVIL FINE. The monetary amount assessed by the City of Montgomery pursuant to this subpart for an adjudication of civil liability for a traffic signal violation, including municipal court costs associated with the infraction.(3) CIVIL VIOLATION. There is created a non-criminal category of state law called a civil violation created and existing for the sole purpose of carrying out the terms of this subpart. The penalty for violation of a civil violation shall be the payment of a civil fine, the enforceability of which shall be accomplished through civil action. The prosecution of a civil violation created hereby shall carry reduced evidentiary requirements and burden of proof as set out in Section 45-51A-35.25, and in no event shall an adjudication of liability for a civil violation be punishable by a criminal fine or imprisonment.(4) OWNER. The owner of a motor vehicle as shown on the motor vehicle registration records of the Alabama Department of Revenue or the analogous department or agency of another state or country. The term shall not include a motor vehicle rental or leasing company when a motor vehicle registered by the company is rented or leased to another person under a rental or lease agreement with the company, in which event owner shall mean the person to whom the vehicle is rented or leased; nor shall the term include motor vehicles displaying dealer license plates, in which event owner shall mean the person to whom the vehicle is assigned for use; nor shall the term include the owner of any stolen motor vehicle, in which event owner shall mean the person who is guilty of stealing the motor vehicle.(5) PHOTOGRAPHIC TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM.a. A camera system which is designed and installed to work in conjunction with an electrically operated traffic-control device using vehicle sensors synchronized to automatically record, either by conventional film or digital imaging, sequenced photographs or full motion video of the rear of a motor vehicle while proceeding through a signalized intersection.b. The device shall be capable of producing at least two recorded images, at least one of which is capable of clearly depicting the license plate of a motor vehicle that is not operated in compliance with the instructions of the traffic-control signal.(6) TRAFFIC-CONTROL SIGNAL. Any device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed as defined in Section 32-1-1.1.(7) TRAFFIC SIGNAL VIOLATION. Any violation of Section 32-5A-31, Section 32-5A-32, or Section 32-5A-5, or of any combination thereof, wherein a vehicle proceeds into a signalized intersection at a time while the traffic-control signal for that vehicle's lane of travel is emitting a steady red signal. A traffic signal violation shall be a civil violation as defined in this subpart.(8) TRAINED TECHNICIAN. A sworn law enforcement officer employed by the City of Montgomery, who alternatively: a. Is a professional engineer in the field of civil engineering.b. Has received instruction and training in the proper use of the photographic traffic signal enforcement system to be used by the city by the city's traffic engineer or his or her designee.c. Has been trained by the vendor installing the equipment. Under no circumstances shall the salary or other compensation of the trained technician be related to the number of notices of violation issued or amount of fines collected.Ala. Code § 45-51A-35.22 (1975)
Act 2009-740, p. 2208, § 3.