Ala. Code § 45-51-72.01
For the purpose of electing members of the county commission, Montgomery County is divided into five districts numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The five districts shall be described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the Eastern Bypass and Interstate Highway 85; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the Eastern Bypass to its intersection with the centerline of Alabama Highway 110 (Vaughn Road); thence easterly along the centerline of Alabama Highway 110 to its intersection with the centerline of Bell Road; thence southwester- ly along the centerline of Bell Road to its intersection with the centerline of the Central of Georgia Railroad; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Central of Georgia Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of the Eastern Bypass; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the Eastern Bypass to its intersection with the centerline of U.S. Highway 231 South; thence southeasterly along the centerline of U.S. 231 South to its intersection with the centerline of Whites Slough; thence meander south- westerly along the centerline of Whites Slough to its intersection with the centerline of Virginia Loop Road; thence south along the centerline of Virginia Loop Road to its intersection with the centerline of Woodley Road; thence northwesterly along the centerline of Woodley Road to its intersection with the centerline of the South Boulevard; thence west along the centerline of the South Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Norman Bridge Road; thence north along the centerline of Norman Bridge Road to its intersection with the centerline of Davis Drive; thence south-westerly along the centerline of Davis Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Woodland Drive; thence westerly along the centerline of Woodland Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Court Street; thence north along the centerline of Court Street to its intersection with the centerline of Southmont Drive; thence meander northerly along the centerline of Southmont Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Delano Avenue; thence west along the centerline of Delano Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of South Perry Street; thence north along the centerline of South Perry Street to its intersection with the centerline of Clanton Avenue, thence east along the centerline of Clanton Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Norman Bridge Road; thence south along the centerline of Norman Bridge Road to its intersection with the centerline of Felder Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Felder Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Girard Street; thence north along the centerline of Girard Street to its intersection with the centerline of Belmont Street; thence southeasterly along the centerline of Belmont Street to its intersection with the centerline of Felder Terrace; thence southerly along the centerline of Felder Terrace to its intersection with the centerline of Felder Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Felder Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Carter Hill Road; thence southeasterly along the centerline of Carter Hill Road to its intersection with the centerline of Mulberry Street; thence north along the centerline of Mulberry Street to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway 85; thence east along the centerline of Interstate Highway 85 to its intersection with the centerline of the Central of Georgia Railroad; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Central of Georgia Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of Mt. Meigs Road; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Mt. Meigs Road to its intersection with the centerline of Panama Street; thence south along the centerline of Panama Street to its intersection with the centerline of Thrasher Street; thence east along the centerline of Thrasher Street to its intersection with the centerline of Greenwood Street; thence south along the centerline of Greenwood Street to its intersection with the centerline of Highland Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Highland Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Three Mile Branch; thence meander southerly along the centerline of Three Mile Branch to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway 85; thence easterly along the centerline of Interstate Highway 85 to its intersection with the centerline of the Eastern Bypass, the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Catoma Creek with the south line of Section 8, T 15 N, R 18 E; thence west along the south lines of Sections 8 and 7, T 15 N, R 18 E, to the south line of Section 12, T 15 N, R 17 E; thence west along the south lines of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, T 15 N, R 17 E, to the south line of Section 12, T 15 N, R 16 E; thence west along the south line of said Section 12 to the southwest corner thereof; thence north along the west line of said Section 12 to the southwest corner of Section 1, T 15 N, R 16 E; thence north along the west line of said Section 1 to its intersection with the centerline of Hayneville Road; thence meander northeasterly along the centerline of Hayneville Road and Hayneville Road extended across the Catoma Creek floodplain to the intersection of the centerline of the Western Boulevard; thence northerly along the Western Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline U. S. Highway 31; thence southeasterly along the centerline of U. S. Highway 31 to its intersection with a line extended south of the centerline of West End Drainage Ditch; thence northerly along said extended line and the center- line of the West End Drainage Ditch to its intersection with the centerline of Washington Ferry Road; thence easterly along the centerline of Washington Ferry Road to its intersection with the north boundary of Maxwell Air Force Base; thence meander along the north boundary of Maxwell Air Force Base to its intersection with the Alabama River; thence meander southeasterly along the Alabama River to its intersection with the center- line of Interstate 65; thence southerly along the centerline of Interstate 65 to its intersection with the centerline of West Jeff Davis Avenue; thence west along the centerline of West Jeff Davis Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lucy Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Lucy Street to its intersection with the centerline of Carlisle Street; thence westerly along the centerline of Carlisle Street to its intersection with the centerline of Hill Street; thence south along the centerline of Hill Street to its intersection with the centerline of Chappell Street; thence westerly along the centerline of Chappell Street to its intersection with the centerline of Hugh Street; thence south along the centerline of Hugh Street to its intersection with the centerline of Mill Street; thence west along the centerline of Mill Street and a line extended west to its intersection with the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; thence southerly along the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of Terminal Road; thence west along the centerline of Terminal Road to its intersection with the centerline of the L & N Railroad; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the L & N Railroad to its intersection with a line extended in a westerly direction from Hickman Street; thence east along said extended line and centerline of Hickman Street to its intersection with the centerline of Mobile Road; thence southerly along the centerline of Mobile Road to its intersection with the centerline of Fairview Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Fairview Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of South Perry Street; thence south along the centerline of South Perry Street to its intersection with the centerline of Delano Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Delano Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Southmont Drive; thence southerly along the centerline of Southmont Drive to its intersection with the centerline of South Court Street; thence south along the centerline of South Court Street to its intersection with the centerline of Woodland Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of Woodland Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Davis Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of Davis Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Norman Bridge Road; thence southerly along the center- line of Norman Bridge Road to its intersection with the centerline of Catoma Creek; thence meander southeasterly along the centerline of Catoma Creek to its intersection with the south line of Section 8, T 15 N, R 18 E, the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Bell Road and Interstate Highway 85, in the SE 1/4 of Section 18, T 16 N, R 19 E; thence westerly along the centerline of Interstate Highway 85 to its intersection with the center of Three Mile Branch; thence meander northerly along the center of Three Mile Branch to its intersection with the centerline of Highland Avenue; thence west along the centerline of Highland Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Greenwood Street; thence north along the centerline of Greenwood Street to its intersection with the centerline of Thrasher Street; thence west along the centerline of Thrasher Street to its intersection with the centerline of Panama Street; thence north along the centerline of Panama Street to its intersection with the centerline of Mt. Meigs Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of Mt. Meigs Road to its intersection with the centerline of Central of Georgia Railroad; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Central of Georgia Rail- road to its intersection with the centerline of Madison Avenue; thence west along the centerline of Madison Avenue to its intersection with the center- line of Hillard Street; thence north along the centerline of Hillard Street to its intersection with the centerline of Jefferson Street; thence west along the centerline of Jefferson Street to its intersection with the centerline of Jackson Street; thence north along the centerline of Jackson Street to its intersection with the centerline of Upper Wetumpka Road; thence north- easterly along the centerline of Upper Wetumpka Road to its intersection at the north boundary of Griel Memorial Hospital with the centerline of an unnamed drainage ditch; thence northwesterly along the centerline of said drainage ditch to its intersection with and along a projected line that extends to a point on the centerline of Lower Wetumpka Road 387 feet north of Fourney Street; thence northeasterly along the centerline of the Lower Wetumpka Road to its intersection with the centerline of Park Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Park Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Fairground Road; thence north along the centerline of Fairground Road to its intersection with the centerline of Vandiver Boulevard; thence west along the centerline of Vandiver Bouelvard to its intersection with the centerline of School House Road; thence run north along the centerline of School House Road and School House Road extended to its intersection with the centerline of the Western Railroad; thence run easterly along the centerline of the Western Railroad to its intersection with the center of Three Mile Branch; thence meander southerly along the center of Three Mile Branch to its intersection with the centerline of the Northern Bypass; thence run easterly along the centerline of the Northern Bypass to its intersection with the centerline of the Eastern Bypass; thence southeasterly along the centerline of the Eastern Bypass to its intersection with the south line of Section 36, T 17 N, R 18 E; thence east along the south line of said Section 36 to its intersection with the south line of Section 31, T 17 N, R 19 E; thence east along the south line of said Section 31 to its intersection with the south line of Section 32, T 17 N, R 19 E; thence east along the south line of said Section 32 to its intersection with the center of Oilver Creek; thence southerly along the center of Oliver Creek to its intersection with the centerline of the Wares Ferry Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the Wares Ferry Road to its intersection with the centerline of Burbank Drive; thence southerly along the centerline of Burbank Drive to its intersection with the centerline of U.S. Highway 80, the Atlanta Highway; thence east along the centerline of U.S. Highway 80 to its intersection with the centerline of Bell Road; thence south along the centerline of Bell Road to its intersection with the north line of Section 18, T 16 N, R 19 E; thence east along the north line of said Section 18 to the northeast corner thereof; thence south along the eastline of said Section 18 to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway 85; thence westerly along the centerline of Interstate Highway 85 to its intersection with the centerline of Bell Road, the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Interstate Highway 85 and the Central of Georgia Railroad; thence west along the centerline of Interstate Highway 85 to its intersection with the centerline of Mulberry
Street; thence south along the centerline of Mulberry Street to its intersection with the centerline of Carter Hill Road; thence northwesterly along the centerline of Carter Hill Road to its intersection with the centerline of Felder Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of Felder Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Felder Terrace; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Felder Terrace to its intersection with the centerline of Belmont Street; thence northwesterly along the centerline of Belmont Street to its intersection with the centerline of Girard Street; thence south along the centerline of Girard Street to its intersection with the centerline of Felder Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of Felder Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Norman Bridge Road; thence northerly along the centerline of Norman Bridge Road to its intersection with the centerline of Clanton Avenue; thence west along the centerline of Clanton Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of South Perry Street; thence south along the centerline of South Perry Street to its intersection with the centerline of Fairview Avenue; thence west along the centerline of Fairview Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Mobile Road; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Mobile Road to its intersection with the centerline of Hickman Street; thence westerly along the centerline of Hickman Street and a line extended west to the intersection with the centerline of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; thence northeasterly along the centerline of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of Terminal Road; thence easterly along the centerline of Terminal Road to its intersection with the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; thence northerly along the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad to its intersection with a line extended west from the centerline of Mill Street; thence east along the centerline of Mill Street to its intersection with the centerline of Hugh Street; thence north along the centerline of Hugh Street to its intersection with the centerline of Chappell Street; thence east along the centerline of Chappell Street to its intersection with the centerline of Hill Street; thence north along the centerline of Hill Street to its intersection with the centerline of Carlisle Street; thence southeasterly along the centerline of Carlisle Street to its intersection with the centerline of Lucy Street; thence south along the centerline of Lucy Street to its intersection with the centerline of West Jeff Davis Avenue; thence east along the centerline of West Jeff Davis Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway 65; thence northerly along the centerline of Interstate Highway 65 to its intersection with the center of the Alabama River; thence meander northerly then easterly along the center of the Alabama River to its intersection with the center of the Tallapoosa River; thence meander easterly along the center of the Tallapoosa River to its intersection with the center of Oliver Creek; thence meander southerly along the center of Oliver Creek to its intersec- tion with the south line of said Section 32, T 17 N, R 19 E; thence west along the south line of said Section 32 to its intersection with the south line of Section 31, T 17 N, R 19 E; thence west along the south line of said Section 31 to its intersection with the south line of Section 36, T 17 N, R 18 E; thence west along the south line of Section 36 to its intersection with the centerline of the Eastern By-pass; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Eastern By-pass to its intersection with the centerline of the Northern By-pass; thence westerly along the centerline of the Northern By-pass to its intersection with the center of Three Mile Branch; thence meander northerly along the center of Three Mile Branch to its intersection with the centerline of the Western Railroad; thence westerly along the centerline of the Western Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of School House Road extended; thence south along the centerline of School House Road and School House Road extended to its intersection with the centerline of Vandiver Boulevard; thence east along the centerline of Vandiver Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Fairground Road; thence south along the centerline of Fairground Road to its intersection with the centerline of Park Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Park Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lower Wetumpka Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of Lower Wetumpka Road to its intersection at the north boundary of Griel Memorial Hospital with the centerline of an unnamed drainage ditch; thence south- easterly along the centerline of said drainage ditch to its intersection with and along a projected line that intersects the centerline of Upper Wetumpka Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the Upper Wetumpka Road to its intersection with the centerline of Jackson Street; thence south along the centerline of Jackson Street to its intersection with the center of Jefferson Street; thence east along the centerline of Jefferson Street to its intersection with the center of Hillard Street; thence south along the centerline of Hillard Street to its intersection with the center of Madison Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Madison Avenue to its intersection with the center of Central of Georgia Railroad; thence southeasterly along the centerline of the Central of Georgia Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway 85, the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Eastern Bypass and Interstate Highway 85; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the Eastern Bypass to its intersection with the centerline of Alabama Highway 110 (Vaughn Road); thence easterly along the centerline of Alabama Highway 110 to its intersection with the centerline of Bell Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of Bell Road to its intersection with the centerline of the Central of Georgia Railroad; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Central of Georgia Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of the Eastern Bypass; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the Eastern Bypass to its intersection with the centerline of U.S. Highway 231 South; thence southeasterly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 231 South to its intersection with the centerline of Whites Slough; thence meander southwesterly along the centerline of Whites Slough to its intersection with the centerline of the Virginia Loop Road; thence south along the centerline of the Virginia Loop Road to its intersection with the centerline of the Woodley Road; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Woodley Road to its intersection with the centerline of the South Boulevard; thence west along the centerline of the South Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of the Norman Bridge Road; thence south- erly along the centerline of the Norman Bridge Road to its intersection with the centerline of Catoma Creek; thence meander southeasterly along the centerline of Catoma Creek to its intersection with the south line of Section 8, T 15 N, R 18 E; thence west along the southlines of Sections 8 and 7, T 15 N, R 18 E, to the south line of Section 12, T 15 N, R 17 E; thence west along the south lines of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, T 15 N, R 17 E, to the south line of Section 12, T 15 N, R 16 E; thence west along the south line of said Section 12 to the southwest corner thereof; thence north along the west line of said Section 12 to the southwest corner of Section 1, T 15 N, R 16 E; thence north along the west line of said Section 1 to its intersection with the centerline of Hayneville Road; thence meander north- easterly along the centerline of Hayneville Road and Hayneville Road extended across the Catoma Creek floodplain to its intersection with the centerline of the Western Boulevard; thence northerly along the Western Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of U.S. Highway 31; thence southeasterly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 31 to its intersection with a line extended south of the West End Drainage Ditch; thence meander northerly along said extended line and the West End Drainage Ditch to its intersection with the centerline of Washington Ferry Road; thence easterly along the centerline of Washington Ferry Road to its intersection with the north boundary of Maxwell Air Force Base; thence meander along the north boundary of Maxwell Air Force Base to its intersection with the center of the Alabama River; thence meander easterly along the center of the Alabama River to its intersection with the north line of Section 27, T 17 N, R 17 E; thence west along the north line of said Section 27 to its intersection with the north line of Section 28, T 17 N, R 17 E; thence west along the north line of said Section 28 to its intersection with the center of the Alabama River; thence meander westerly along the center of the Alabama River to its intersection with the center of Pintlala Creek, the Montgomery-Lowndes County line; thence meander southerly along the center of Pintlala Creek, the Montgomery-Lowndes County line to the North-South line between Montgomery and Lowndes County at Wasden Road: thence south along said county line to its intersection with the Montgomery-Lowndes-Crenshaw County line at Davenport; thence east along the Montgomery-Crenshaw County line to the North-South line between Montgomery and Crenshaw County at Sellers; thence south along said County line to its intersection with the East-West line between Montgomery and Crenshaw County at LaPine; thence east along the Montgomery-Crenshaw County line to its intersection with the Montgomery-Pike County line at Patsaliga Creek; thence east along the Montgomery-Pike County along to the North-South Montgomery-Pike County line at Orion; thence north along the Montgomery-Pike County line to its intersection with the Montgomery-Bullock County line; thence north along the Montgomery-Bullock County line to its intersection with the Montgomery-Macon County line at Line Creek; thence meander northwesterly along the center of Line Creek to its intersection with the center of Tallapoosa River, the Montgomery-Elmore County line; thence meander westerly along the center of the Tallapoosa River to its intersection with the center of Oliver Creek, thence meander southerly along the center of Oliver Creek to its intersection with the centerline of Wares Ferry Road; thence south- westerly along the centerline of Wares Ferry Road to its intersection with the centerline of Burbank Drive; thence southerly along the centerline of Burbank Drive to its intersection with the centerline of U.S. Highway 80, the Atlanta Highway; thence east along the centerline of U.S. Highway 80 to its intersection with the centerline of Bell Road; thence south along the centerline of Bell Road to its intersection with the north line of Section 18, T 16 N, R 19 E; thence east along the north line of said Section 18 to the North-East corner thereof; thence south along the west line of said Section 18 to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway 85; thence westerly along the centerline of Interstate Highway 85 to its intersection with the centerline of the Eastern Bypass, the point of beginning.
Ala. Code § 45-51-72.01 (1975)