Ala. Code § 45-49-102.04

Current through the 2024 Regular Session.
Section 45-49-102.04 - Student dress code policy
(a) The Legislature finds and declares each of the following:
(1) The children of Mobile County have the right to an effective public school education. Both students and staff of the primary, elementary, junior, and senior high school campuses have the constitutional right to be safe and secure in their persons at school. However, children in many of our public schools are forced to focus on the threat of violence and the messages of violence contained in many aspects of our society, particularly reflected in gang regalia that disrupts the learning environment.
(2) Gang-related apparel is hazardous to the health and safety of the school environment.
(3) Instructing teachers and administrators on the subtleties of identifying constantly changing gang regalia and gang affiliation takes an increasing amount of time away from educating our children.
(4) Weapons, including firearms and knives, have become common place upon even our elementary school campuses. Students often conceal weapons by wearing clothing, such as jumpsuits and overcoats, and by carrying large bags.
(5) The adoption of a schoolwide uniform policy is a reasonable way to provide some protection for students. A required uniform may protect students from being associated with any particular gang. Moreover, by requiring schoolwide uniforms teachers and administrators may not need to occupy as much of their time learning the subtleties of gang regalia.
(6) To control the environment in public schools to facilitate and maintain an effective learning environment and to keep the focus of the classroom on learning and not personal safety, schools need the authorization to implement uniform clothing requirements for our public school children.
(7) Many educators believe that school dress significantly influences pupil behavior. This influence is evident on school dress up days and color days. Schools that have adopted school uniforms experience a coming together feeling, greater school pride, and better behavior in and out of the classroom.
(b) The board of school commissioners is authorized to adopt a reasonable dress code policy that requires pupils to wear a schoolwide uniform.
(c) A dress code policy that requires pupils to wear a schoolwide uniform shall be implemented by November 3, 1997.
(d) A policy adopted pursuant to this section shall not preclude pupils that participate in a nationally recognized youth organization from wearing organization uniforms on days that the organization has a scheduled meeting.
(e) The board of school commissioners shall not be responsible for the purchase of school uniforms for indigent students, however the board may authorize programs to promote donations of funds or uniforms, or both, to assist indigent students.

Ala. Code § 45-49-102.04 (1975)