Section 45-45-82.02 - Juror parking(a) The governing body of Madison County, by resolution thereof, shall have the power to maintain and provide parking for the use of the jurors; and shall have the power to appropriate such funds as are necessary and appropriate for such purpose. All resolutions providing parking for jurors shall be filed in the Probate Office of Madison County and with the Administrative Director of Courts.(b) Upon the adoption of a resolution providing the parking described in this section, Madison County shall establish and maintain a separate fund known as the Madison County Juror Parking Fund. The county juror parking funds shall consist of funds appropriated by the state, county, or municipal governments, funds collected under provisions of law, or received from donations, gifts, grants, and funds other than those appropriated, and shall be audited as county funds are audited. The funds may be used to match grants for providing parking described in this section.(c)(1) For the support and maintenance of juror parking established under this section, a parking fee of five dollars ($5) shall be paid in all civil, domestic relations, criminal, juvenile, and child support cases in the district and circuit courts of Madison County to be collected and paid at the time as docket fees, fines, and other court costs. The parking fee described in this section shall be paid in all civil, domestic relations, criminal, juvenile, and child support cases in the district and circuit courts of Madison County to be collected as other court costs are collected and paid at the time as docket fees, fines, or other court costs. The parking fee described in this section shall be paid in all civil, domestic relations, criminal, juvenile, and child support cases in each court in the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit. All funds collected under this section shall be transmitted to the Madison County Juror Parking Fund by the tenth of each month following their collection.(2) Except as provided herein, the Juror Parking Fund shall be used solely to contract with the City of Huntsville to provide juror parking within two blocks of the Madison County Courthouse. After a contract has been entered into with the City of Huntsville to provide parking for jurors, any residual funds in the Juror Parking Fund in excess of the funds needed on the date of the initial payment to commence the contract for juror parking plus any interest revenue which has accrued to the Juror Parking Fund on May 13, 2005, shall be transferred to the Circuit Clerk's Fund as provided by Section 12-17-225.4, to be used for the purposes for which the Circuit Clerk's Fund may be used under existing law and for the improvement of technology in the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit.(3) The circuit clerk shall report to the Madison County Legislative Delegation by the fifth day of each regular session of the Legislature on the expenditure of funds transferred to the Circuit Clerk's Fund pursuant to this section.Ala. Code § 45-45-82.02 (1975)
Act 80-485, p. 755, §§ 1-3; Act 88-302, p. 462, § 1; Act 94-563, p. 1034, § 1; Act 99-421, p. 750, § 1; Act 2000-476, p. 908, § 1; Act 2005-140, p. 244, § 1.