Division 2 - LEVY OF TAX
- Section 45-40-245.30 - Definitions
- Section 45-40-245.31 - Authorization of levy of sales tax
- Section 45-40-245.32 - Authorization of levy of use tax
- Section 45-40-245.33 - Payment of taxes; reports
- Section 45-40-245.34 - Sales tax to be added to sales price or admission fee
- Section 45-40-245.35 - Special provisions respecting payment of use tax; receipts and returns by registered sellers
- Section 45-40-245.36 - Enforcement
- Section 45-40-245.37 - Applicability of state statutes
- Section 45-40-245.38 - Charge for collection
- Section 45-40-245.39 - Disposition of funds
- Section 45-40-245.40 - Effective date of levy