Section 45-37-150.02 - Bingo games - Permit required(a) Any provisions of the law to the contrary notwithstanding, no qualified organization shall be permitted to operate a bingo game until the sheriff issues a permit to the organization authorizing it to do so. In the event of any controversy concerning whether or not certain activity constitutes bingo for which a permit may be issued, the decision of the sheriff shall control. The permit described in this law is in addition to and not in lieu of any other permits or licenses which may be required by the county or any political subdivision thereof, and no bingo game shall be operated until such time as all requisite permits and licenses have been obtained, including any permit that may be required by any municipality having jurisdiction over the place where the bingo is proposed to be played. A permitholder may hold only one permit and that permit is valid for only one location. A permit is not assignable or transferable.(b) Any municipality wholly or partially within Jefferson County may elect to establish a bingo control ordinance parallel to and similar to this article and containing the same restrictions and controls as specified herein, to be administered by the chief of police of such municipality who shall, in such event, if provided for in the municipal ordinance, exercise the same powers and duties with respect to games of bingo as are provided herein to be exercised by the sheriff, and in such event the chief of police shall be the primary, but not exclusive, enforcement officer to assure enforcement of the regulation of such games within the boundaries of such municipalities as herein provided. Any ordinance so adopted by such a municipality shall be at least as restrictive of the game of bingo as this article and no person, organization, or other legal entity who, or which, would not be so authorized hereunder shall be allowed to conduct bingo games under such municipal ordinances. Any fees for permits provided for in ordinances so adopted by a municipality shall be in lieu of the permit fees provided for otherwise in this article.Ala. Code § 45-37-150.02 (1975)