Section 45-35-120 - DefinitionsThe following words, terms, and phrases, wherever used herein, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, and shall include the singular as well as the plural:
(1) ALLOCATION. The assignment of positions to a class on the basis of the nature, difficulty, and responsibility or work of the positions.(2) APPOINTING AUTHORITY. The official or board designated by resolution of the governing body as being the official or board having authority to fill vacancies in a specified class, or the governing body itself in the event that the governing body has made no such designation in respect to a class, or having made such designation, has thereafter repealed such resolution.(3) BOARD. The Personnel Board of Houston County.(4) CERTIFY, CERTIFICATION. The act of supplying the appointing authority with names of applicants deemed eligible for appointment to the class or position to be filled.(5) CLASS. A position or group of positions that involve similar duties and responsibilities and require similar qualifications and are designated by a single title indicative of the work to be performed.(6) COUNTY. Houston County.(7) COURT. The Circuit Court of Houston County, Alabama.(8) DEMOTION. Removal of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class having a lower maximum salary limit than the position from which he or she was removed.(9) ELIGIBLE LIST. A list of names of persons who have successfully completed by examination, written or oral, arranged in the order of their final ratings, as determined by the personnel board.(10) EMPLOYEE. A person regularly occupying a position in the classified service or a person who is on authorized leave of absence and whose position is being held for him or her pending his or her return.(11) LAID-OFF. Separated from the classified service of Houston County because of lack of work or funds or other reason not related to fault, delinquency, or misconduct on the part of the employee.(12) MERIT SYSTEM. Whenever the term appears, it shall mean the same as civil service system within the meaning of this part.(13) ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT. The appointment to a position in the classified service of a person who is not being reemployed from the reemployment list, nor being promoted from the promotional eligible list and who, except for those in the exempt service and those serving under temporary appointment, is not an employee of Houston County.(14) ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT ELIGIBLE LIST. The eligible list of persons qualified for original appointment to a position.(15) POSITION. A group of current duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated by competent authority and requiring the full or part time service of one employee.(16) PROMOTION. A change of employment from a position of one class to a position of another class which has a higher maximum salary rate.(17) PROMOTIONAL ELIGIBLE LIST. The eligible list of persons qualified for promotion to a position, and recommended by the department head.(18) REEMPLOYMENT LIST:a. The list of names of former employees who have been laid-off from a position within the past two years who had permanent status in that position so long as that position continues in the classified service, and who are recommended by the department head.b. The list of names of those former employees who resigned or otherwise left Houston County service in good standing at any time within the past two years, who are recommended by the department head.(19) VACANCY. A position duly created with funds provided for payment of a salary, which is not occupied, or which is occupied by a person serving under a temporary appointment.Ala. Code § 45-35-120 (1975)