Section 45-33-234 - Local background checks; fee; disposition of funds(a) This section shall apply only in Hale County.(b) At the request of a resident of the county, the Sheriff of Hale County or his or her designee may provide a local background check to the resident based on a search of the local criminal records available to the office of the sheriff. The search shall not include national or state databases of criminal records.(c) The fee for a local background check shall be ten dollars ($10) and the fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Sheriff's Fund. The sheriff may use the funds collected pursuant to this section for law enforcement purposes in Hale County, as the sheriff sees fit. The funds may not revert to the county general fund at the end of the fiscal year.(d) The funds and the use of the funds collected pursuant to this section may not diminish or take the place of any other source of income established for the sheriff or the operation of the jail.(e) Any funds collected, deposited, or disbursed relating to the service authorized by this section prior to September 1, 2015, are ratified and confirmed.Ala. Code § 45-33-234 (1975)