Section 45-32-244 - DefinitionsFor the purposes of this part, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed by this section:
(1) COUNTY. Greene County.(2) DISTRIBUTOR. Any person who engages in the selling of gasoline or motor fuel in this state by wholesale domestic trade, but shall not apply to any transaction of such distributor in interstate commerce.(3) GASOLINE. Gasoline, naphtha and other liquid motor fuels or any device or substitute therefor commonly used in internal combustion engines; provided, that such term shall not be held to apply to those products known commercially as kerosene oil, fuel oil, or crude oil when used for lighting, heating, or industrial purposes nor to those known commercially as diesel oil or diesel fuel regardless of use.(4) MOTOR FUEL. Tractor fuel, gas, oil, distillate or liquefied gas, kerosene, jet fuel, or any substitutes or devices therefor when sold, distributed, stored, or withdrawn from storage in any county for use in the operation of any motor vehicle upon the highways of this state, provided that such term shall not be held to apply to such product known commercially as diesel oil or diesel fuel.(5) PERSON. Persons, corporations, copartnerships, companies, agencies, associations, incorporated or otherwise, singular or plural.(6) REFINER. Any person who manufactures, distills, blends, compounds, or mixes any one or more products in the production of gasoline or motor fuel as herein defined.(7) RETAIL DEALER. Any person herein defined as a distributor who is also engaged in the selling of gasoline or motor fuel in this state at any place in this state in broken quantities.(8) STORER. Any person who ships or causes to be shipped or receives gasoline or motor fuel into this state in any quantities and stores the same in any manner and withdraws or uses the same for any purpose.(9) USER. Any person who uses or consumes gasoline or motor fuel in this state, in any manner or for any purpose; provided, that the term is not to include any refiner who has a refinery or refineries located within the State of Alabama when using gasoline or motor fuel in the manufacturing or refining process, or any person who holds a federal permit to blend motor fuels under the federal law and statutes and who pays the federal excise tax on such motor fuels directly to the federal government, when such person uses gasoline in this state in such blending process.Ala. Code § 45-32-244 (1975)