Ala. Code § 45-30-250.14
At any time when no bonds or obligations previously assumed by the authority are outstanding, the board may adopt a resolution, which shall be duly entered upon its minutes, declaring that the authority shall be dissolved. Upon the filing for record of a certified copy of the resolution in the office of the judge of probate of the county, the authority shall thereupon stand dissolved and, in the event it owned any property at the time of its dissolution, the title to all its properties shall pass to and be divided and apportioned on a pro rata basis among Franklin County and any other county or counties in which any part of the service area may be located, all in the manner and to the extent provided in the authority's certificate of incorporation, as amended. In the absence of a contrary provision in the certificate of incorporation, as amended, title to real estate and tangible personal property, other than cash, shall vest in the county in which the real estate or tangible personal property is located and the title to cash on hand and in banks, accounts receivable, chooses in action, and other intangible property, other than intangible interest in land, shall vest on a pro rata basis of gross revenues in all of the counties in which any part of the service area lies. Each such county shall have title to the cash and intangible items as a tenant in common. The interest of each tenant in common in those items shall be a percentage equal to the gross revenues derived by the authority during its complete preceding fiscal year from service rendered in that part of its service area within that county divided by the gross revenues derived by the authority during the same period from services rendered or otherwise in its entire service area.
Ala. Code § 45-30-250.14 (1975)