Ala. Code § 45-23-72
At the general election for state and county officers to be held in 1972, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified electors of the entire county a commissioner from each of the districts numbered 2 and 4; and at the general election to be held in 1974, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified electors of the entire county, a county commissioner from each of the districts numbered 1 and 3. The judge of probate of shall be chair and shall preside at all meetings of the commission, but shall be authorized to designate some other member of the commission to serve as chair in his or her absence. The judge of probate shall receive Forty-one thousand five hundred dollars ($41,500) per annum, paid in monthly installments, for his or her services as chair, and as judge of probate.
Ala. Code § 45-23-72 (1975)