Section 45-19-60 - Compensation and travel allowance for coroner and assistant coroners(a) In Coosa County, effective at the beginning of the next term of office, and all subsequent terms of office, the compensation of the coroner shall be set by resolution of the county commission. The salary of each assistant coroner also shall be set by resolution of the county commission. The compensation shall be in lieu of any other compensation paid to the Coosa County Coroner and assistant coroners by the county.(b) In Coosa County the coroner, with the approval of the county commission, shall receive mileage in the performance of his or her duties not to exceed the mileage rate as set by the State of Alabama. The mileage shall be in addition to any and all other salary, expense allowance, or compensation heretofore payable by law and shall be paid monthly from any funds now under the control of the county commission.Ala. Code § 45-19-60 (1975)
Act 90-392, p. 547, §1; Act 98-588 p. 1295, §1.