- Section 41-10-50 - Short title
- Section 41-10-51 - Definitions
- Section 41-10-52 - Purpose of article; construction of article
- Section 41-10-53 - Authority and procedure for incorporation of authority; members, officers and directors of authority; reduction to writing, recordation and admissibility in evidence of proceedings of board of directors
- Section 41-10-54 - Powers of authority generally; acquisition by eminent domain of real property or rights owned by railroads or utilities not authorized
- Section 41-10-55 - Issuance and sale of bonds authorized generally; form, terms, denominations, etc., thereof; bonds to be deemed negotiable instruments; redemption
- Section 41-10-56 - Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds to contain recital as to authority for issuance; notice of passage of resolution; limitation period and venue for actions to contest validity of resolutions, bonds, etc
- Section 41-10-57 - Execution and delivery of bonds and interest coupons
- Section 41-10-58 - Sale of bonds; public hearing or consent of Department of Finance, etc., not a prerequisite to issuance of bonds
- Section 41-10-59 - Refunding bonds
- Section 41-10-60 - Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds and refunding bonds
- Section 41-10-61 - Exemption from taxation of bonds, properties, income, etc., of authority; use of bonds as security for deposits of state funds; investment of trust funds in bonds
- Section 41-10-62 - Liability upon bonds, debts, agreements, etc., of authority
- Section 41-10-63 - Authority and procedure for pledge of revenues of authority and creation of statutory lien upon facilities and properties thereof for payment of principal and interest on bonds; remedies upon default in payment of principal or interest on bonds
- Section 41-10-64 - Special and continuing trust fund for payment of principal and interest on bonds of authority and maintenance, etc., of facilities thereof
- Section 41-10-65 - Payment of principal and interest on bonds and maintenance of records pertaining thereto by State Treasurer
- Section 41-10-66 - Annual audit of books and accounts of authority; disposition of reports thereof
- Section 41-10-67 - Awarding, etc., of contracts for construction of facilities, buildings and structures; supervision, etc., of construction; payments to contractors; agreement of authority and Building Commission as to construction cost estimate
- Section 41-10-68 - Leasing of buildings, facilities and structures
- Section 41-10-69 - Conveyance of lands, buildings, properties, etc., of authority to state upon payment in full of bonds, etc.; dissolution of authority