Section 40-2B-2 - Alabama Tax Tribunal(a) Statement of Purpose. To increase public confidence in the fairness of the state tax system, the state shall provide an independent agency with tax expertise to resolve disputes between the Department of Revenue and taxpayers, prior to requiring the payment of the amounts in issue or the posting of a bond, but after the taxpayer has had a full opportunity to attempt settlement with the Department of Revenue based, among other things, on the hazards of litigation. By establishing an independent Alabama Tax Tribunal within the executive branch of government, this chapter provides taxpayers with a means of resolving controversies that insures both the appearance and the reality of due process and fundamental fairness. The tax tribunal shall provide hearings in all tax matters, except those specified by statute, and render decisions and orders relating thereto. A tax tribunal hearing shall be commenced by the filing of a notice of appeal protesting a tax determination made by the Department of Revenue, including any determination that cancels, revokes, suspends, or denies an application for a license, permit, or registration. A final decision of the tax tribunal shall have the same force and effect as, and shall be subject to appeal in the same manner as, a final decision of a state circuit court.
It is the intent of the Legislature that this chapter foster the settlement or other resolution of tax disputes to the extent possible and, in cases in which litigation is necessary, to provide the people of Alabama with a fair and independent dispute resolution forum with the Department of Revenue. The chapter shall be interpreted and construed to further this intent.
(b) Tax Tribunal: Establishment. (1) A tax tribunal is hereby established in the executive branch of government. The tribunal is referred to in this chapter as the "Alabama Tax Tribunal."(2) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be separate from and independent of the authority of the Commissioner of Revenue and the Department of Revenue. For purposes of this chapter, the term "Department of Revenue" means the Alabama Department of Revenue and does not include the governing body of any self-administered county or municipality.(3) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be created and exist as of October 1, 2014, but the chief judge shall be appointed by July 1, 2014, to take any action that is necessary to enable the Alabama Tax Tribunal to properly exercise the duties, functions, and powers given the Alabama Tax Tribunal under this chapter.(4) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall maintain an official docket and other records as deemed necessary by the chief judge. Such records may be maintained in electronic format.(5) Any judge, or any employee of the Alabama Tax Tribunal as designated in writing by the chief judge, may administer oaths.(c) Judges: Number; Appointment; Term of Office; Removal. (1) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall consist of at least one full-time judge, and there shall be no more than three judges serving at any one time. If there is more than one judge, each shall exercise the powers of the Alabama Tax Tribunal.(2) The judges of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of 6 years. If the tribunal has more than one judge, the judges initially appointed should be given terms of different lengths not exceeding 6 years, so that all judges' terms do not expire in the same year.(3) The Chief Judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall receive such salary as is provided from time to time at the top pay scale within Pay Grade 88 of the compensation plan of the state Merit System. Associate judges shall receive such salary as is provided from time to time within Pay Grade 84 of the compensation plan of the state Merit System, as determined by the chief judge. The judges shall receive no other monetary compensation. This subsection shall neither increase nor decrease the salary received by the chief administrative law judge of the Department of Revenue, who shall become the initial Chief Judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal pursuant to this chapter.(4) Once appointed and confirmed, the judge shall continue in office until his or her term expires and until a successor has been appointed, unless otherwise removed as provided herein.(5) A vacancy in the Alabama Tax Tribunal occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.(6) If more than one judge is appointed, the Governor shall designate one of the members as chief judge, in this chapter referred to as the "chief judge." The chief judge shall be the executive of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, shall have sole charge of the administration of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, and shall apportion among the judges all causes, matters, and proceedings coming before the Alabama Tax Tribunal. The individual designated as chief judge shall serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the Governor.(7) The Governor, subject to the dismissal provisions of a classified state employee as provided in Section 36-26-10, may remove a judge, after notice and an opportunity to be heard, for neglect of duty, inability to perform duties, or malfeasance in office.(8) Whenever the Alabama Tax Tribunal trial docket or business becomes congested or any judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal is absent, is disqualified, or for any other reason is unable to perform his or her duties as judge, and it appears to the Governor that it is advisable that the services of an additional judge or judges be provided, the Governor may appoint a judge, or judges, pro tempore of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. Any person appointed judge pro tempore of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall have the qualifications set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) of subsection (d) and shall be entitled to serve for a period no longer than six months.(9) A judge may disqualify himself or herself on his or her own motion in any matter, and may be disqualified for any of the causes specified in Title 12, including, but not limited to, Sections 12-1-12 and 12-1-13.(d) Judges: Qualifications; Prohibition Against Other Gainful Employment. (1) Each judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be a citizen of the United States and, during the period of his or her service, a resident of this state. No person shall be appointed as a judge, unless at the time of appointment, the individual has substantial knowledge of the tax law and substantial experience making the record in a tax case suitable for judicial review.(2) Before entering upon the duties of office, each judge shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties of the office, and such oath shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.(3) Each judge shall devote his or her full time during business hours to the duties of his or her office. A judge shall not engage in any other gainful employment or business, nor hold another office or position of profit in a government of this state, any other state, or the United States. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, a judge may own passive interests in business entities and earn income from incidental teaching or scholarly activities unless the activities conflict with his or her duties as a judge.(4) Alabama Tax Tribunal Judges shall be subject to disciplinary proceedings before the Judicial Inquiry Commission to the same extent as circuit judges. The Judicial Inquiry Commission shall have the authority to remove any Alabama Tax Tribunal Judge from office, after notice and an opportunity to be heard, for neglect of duty, inability to perform duties, malfeasance in office, or other good cause.(5) Alabama Tax Tribunal Judges shall be classified state employees as provided in Section 36-26-10. As such, a judge, except for appointment, reconfirmation, removal, and dismissal as provided herein, shall be entitled to all benefits and protections available to classified state employees.(6) The chief judge may employ one Executive Assistant III as an unclassified service state employee, as provided in Section 36-26-10(c). All other Alabama Tax Tribunal personnel shall be appointed or hired by the chief judge, as necessary for the proper operation of the Alabama Tax Tribunal and shall be state employees under the state Merit System. The Executive Assistant III employed in the Administrative Law Division as of September 30, 2014, shall be transferred to the Alabama Tax Tribunal, along with any other Merit System employees employed by the Administrative Law Division on that date.(e) Principal Office: Locations; Facilities.(1) The Alabama Tax Tribunal's principal office shall be located in Montgomery, Alabama.(2) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall conduct hearings at its principal office. The Alabama Tax Tribunal may also hold hearings at any place within the state, with a view toward securing to taxpayers a reasonable opportunity to appear before the Alabama Tax Tribunal with as little inconvenience and expense as practicable.(3) If the appeal involves a tax levied by or on behalf of only one self-administered county or municipality, the Alabama Tax Tribunal, if so requested by the self-administered county or municipality or the taxpayer, shall hold the hearing either in the county seat of the affected county or the county seat of the county in which the affected municipality is located or in the appropriate Department of Revenue taxpayer service center, according to the proximity of such municipality or county to the taxpayer service center.(4) The principal office of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be located in a building that is separate and apart from the building in which the Department of Revenue is located.(f) Appointment of Employees, Expenditures of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. (1) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall appoint employees and may employ temporary court reporters and make such other expenditures, including expenditures for library, publications, and equipment, as are necessary to permit it to efficiently execute its functions.(2) No employee of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall act as attorney, representative, or accountant for others in a matter involving any tax imposed or levied by this state.(3) A non-merit system employee of the Alabama Tax Tribunal may be removed by the chief judge, after notice and an opportunity to be heard, for neglect of duty, inability to perform duties, malfeasance in office, or for other good cause.(4) In addition to the services of a court reporter, the Alabama Tax Tribunal may contract the reporting of its proceedings and, in the contract, fix the terms and conditions under which transcripts will be supplied by the contractor to the Alabama Tax Tribunal and to other persons and agencies.(g) Jurisdiction of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. (1) Except as permitted by subsection (m) relating to judicial review, or the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be the sole, exclusive, and final authority for the hearing and determination of questions of law and fact arising under the tax laws of this state. The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all appeals pending before the Department of Revenue's Administrative Law Division on October 1, 2014, and all subsequent appeals filed with the Alabama Tax Tribunal pursuant to Chapters 2A, 27, and 29 of this title, Chapters 6, 7A, 8, 13, and 20 of Title 32, relating to motor vehicles, or subdivision (2) of this subsection, relating to self-administered counties and municipalities. a. However, such jurisdiction shall also be limited to only those self-administered counties and municipalities that choose to participate under the auspices of the Alabama Tax Tribunal.b. Such jurisdiction shall not apply to appeals filed directly with the circuit court from a final assessment entered by the department or from the department's denial in whole or in part of a claim for refund.c. Such jurisdiction shall not apply to the assessment of ad valorem taxes, except that appeals from final assessments of value of property of public utilities under Chapter 21 may be heard by the Alabama Tax Tribunal in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter.(2)a. Unless a self-administered county or municipality elects, in the manner prescribed below, to divest the Alabama Tax Tribunal of jurisdiction over appeals of final assessments or denied refunds in whole or in part, of any sales, use, rental, or lodgings taxes levied or collected from time to time by or on behalf of the self-administered county or municipality, a taxpayer may appeal a final assessment or denied refund involving any such tax to the Alabama Tax Tribunal in accordance with the procedures and requirements provided in Section 40-2A-7 and this chapter. For purposes of any appeal filed by a taxpayer pursuant to this section, the term "department" as used in Section 40-2A-7 means the governing body of the applicable self-administered county or municipality and not the Department of Revenue, and the term "secretary" as used in Section 40-2A-7 means the clerk of the governing body of the applicable self-administered county or municipality.b. Subject to the limitation imposed by paragraph e., the election-out under this section shall be made by serving a copy of the ordinance or resolution evidencing the election-out, adopted by the governing body of the self-administered county or municipality pursuant to this section, with the Alabama Tax Tribunal. Service may be accomplished by mailing a copy of the ordinance or resolution, certified by an appropriate official, by either U.S. mail with delivery confirmation or certified U.S. mail, return receipt requested, by hand delivery, or by an expedited courier service to the Alabama Tax Tribunal's office. The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall promptly publish notice of the election-out pursuant to paragraph d., and the election shall be effective on the date that notice is published. Notwithstanding the foregoing, appeals of final assessments or denied refunds involving the electing county or municipality that were pending before the Alabama Tax Tribunal on the date that notice of the election-out is published shall continue to be heard and decided by the Alabama Tax Tribunal as if the election-out had not been made.c. Subject to the limitation imposed by paragraph e., an election-out may be revoked, prospectively, by the governing body of the self-administered county or municipality at any time by resolution or ordinance, a certified copy of which shall be served on the Alabama Tax Tribunal in the manner prescribed above. The revocation of an election-out vests jurisdiction in the Alabama Tax Tribunal over all appeals of final assessments or denied refunds, in whole or in part, of the county's or municipality's sales, use, rental, and lodgings taxes that are entered or denied on or after the date that notice of revocation is published by the Alabama Tax Tribunal.d. At least once a month, the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall provide the Department of Revenue with a list of all self-administered counties and municipalities that have elected-out pursuant to paragraph b. or that have filed a notice of revocation of their election-out pursuant to paragraph c. The Department of Revenue shall publish the list on its website and otherwise make available to the public in the same manner that the rates and administrators of certain county and municipal taxes are published by the Department of Revenue. The Alabama Tax Tribunal may also publish the list on its own website.e. A self-administered county or municipality may make only one election-out under paragraph b. or one revocation under paragraph c. during each calendar year. If an appeal is timely filed with the Alabama Tax Tribunal after the notice of an election-out by the self-administered county or municipality is published by the Alabama Tax Tribunal, the appeal shall be deemed timely filed with and transferred to the self-administered county or municipality. If an appeal is timely filed with a self-administered county or municipality after the notice of revocation by the self-administered county or municipality is published by the Alabama Tax Tribunal, the appeal shall be deemed timely filed with and transferred to the Alabama Tax Tribunal.f. The appeals process for a self-administered county or municipality that has elected to divest the Alabama Tax Tribunal of jurisdiction shall function in a manner similar to the procedures prescribed for appeals to the Alabama Tax Tribunal. The hearing or appeals officer shall function and conduct hearings in a manner similar to the Chief Judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal and must be impartial and reasonably knowledgeable of the sales, use, rental, and lodgings tax laws and the taxing jurisdiction's applicable code or ordinances.(3) Except as permitted by subsection (m) relating to judicial review, no person shall contest any matter within the jurisdiction of the Alabama Tax Tribunal in any action, suit, or proceeding in any other court of the state. However, such exclusive jurisdiction shall not be required of those self-administered counties and municipalities that choose not to participate under the auspices of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. With the aforementioned exceptions noted, if a person attempts to contest any matter with the remaining jurisdiction, then such action, suit, or proceeding shall be dismissed without prejudice. The improper commencement of any action, suit, or proceeding will not extend the time period for commencing a proceeding in the Alabama Tax Tribunal.(4) Except in cases involving the denial of a claim for refund and except as provided in Alabama statute regarding jeopardy assessments, the taxpayer shall have the right to have his or her case heard by the Alabama Tax Tribunal prior to the payment of any of the amounts asserted as due by the Department of Revenue and prior to the posting of any bond.(5) If, with or after the filing of a timely notice of appeal, the taxpayer pays all or part of the tax or other amount in issue before the Alabama Tax Tribunal has rendered a decision, the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall treat the taxpayer's notice of appeal as a protest of a denial of a claim for refund of the amount so paid.(6) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall decide questions regarding the constitutionality of the application of statutes to the taxpayer and the constitutionality of regulations promulgated by the Department of Revenue, but shall not have the power to declare a statute unconstitutional on its face. A taxpayer desiring to challenge the constitutionality of a statute on its face, at the taxpayer's election, may do so by one of the following methods:a. Commence a declaratory action in the courts of Alabama with respect to the constitutional challenge, and file a notice of appeal with the Alabama Tax Tribunal with respect to the remainder of the matter, which proceeding shall be stayed by the Alabama Tax Tribunal pending final resolution of the constitutional challenge.b. File a notice of appeal with the Alabama Tax Tribunal with respect to issues other than the constitutional challenge, in which the taxpayer preserves the constitutional challenge until the entire matter, including the constitutional challenge and the facts related to the constitutional challenge, is presented to the appellate court.c. Commence and simultaneously prosecute a declaratory action in the courts of Alabama with respect to the constitutional challenge and a proceeding in the Alabama Tax Tribunal with respect to the remainder of the issues.(h) Pleadings. (1) A taxpayer may commence a proceeding in the Alabama Tax Tribunal by filing a notice of appeal protesting the Department of Revenue's determination imposing a liability for tax, penalty, or interest; denying a refund or credit application; canceling, revoking, suspending, or denying an application for a license, permit, or registration; or taking any other action that gives a person the right to a hearing under the law. The notice of appeal shall be filed in accordance with the time periods required by Sections 40-2A-7 and 40-2A-8, or any other applicable provision that is within the jurisdiction of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. For purposes of this chapter, the term "taxpayer" includes a person a. who is challenging the state's jurisdiction over the person, and b. who has standing to challenge the validity or applicability of the tax. The notice of appeal filed by the taxpayer with the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall identify the final assessment, denied refund, or other act or refusal to act by the department which is the subject of the appeal, the position of the appealing party, the basis on which relief should be granted, and the relief sought. A notice of appeal that does not include all of the above information shall be sufficient to invoke the jurisdiction of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. The judge may require a taxpayer to file an amended notice of appeal if more information is deemed necessary.(2) If the appeal involves a tax levied by or on behalf of a self-administered county or municipality, the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall promptly mail a copy of the notice of appeal by either U.S. mail with delivery confirmation or certified U.S. mail to the governing body of the affected county or municipality and shall provide the taxpayer or its authorized representative with written notification of the date the copy was mailed to the governing body. The affected county or municipality shall file a written answer with the Alabama Tax Tribunal within 45 days of the date of mailing the notice of appeal to the affected county or municipality. The judge may allow the county or municipality additional time, not to exceed 45 days, within which to file an answer. The answer shall state the facts and the issues involved and the county's or municipality's position relating thereto. The judge may require the county or municipality to file an amended answer if more information is deemed necessary. The county or municipality and its authorized representatives may consult with the Legal Division of the Department of Revenue concerning the appeal.(3) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall notify the Legal Division of the Department of Revenue in writing that an appeal has been filed and shall mail a copy of such notification to the taxpayer or its authorized representative. The Department of Revenue shall file its answer in the Alabama Tax Tribunal no later than 45 days after its receipt of the Alabama Tax Tribunal's notification that the taxpayer has filed a notice of appeal. Upon written request, the Alabama Tax Tribunal may grant up to 45 additional days to file an answer. The Department of Revenue shall serve a copy on the taxpayer's representative or, if the taxpayer is not represented, on the taxpayer, and shall file proof of such service with the answer.(4) The taxpayer may file a reply in the Alabama Tax Tribunal within 30 days after receipt of the answer. The taxpayer shall serve a copy on the authorized representative of the Department of Revenue and shall file proof of such service with the reply. When a reply has been filed, or, if no reply has been filed, then 30 days after the filing of the answer, the controversy shall be deemed at issue and will be scheduled for hearing.(5) Either party may amend a pleading once without leave at any time before the period for responding to it expires. After such time, a pleading may be amended only with the written consent of the adverse party or with the permission of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall freely grant consent to amend upon such terms as may be just. Except as otherwise ordered by the Alabama Tax Tribunal, there shall be an answer or reply to an amended pleading if an answer or reply is required to the pleading being amended. Filing of the answer, or, if the answer has already been filed, the amended answer, shall be made no later than 75 days after filing of the amended notice of appeal. Filing of the reply or, if the reply has already been filed, the amended reply, shall be made within 30 days after filing of the amended answer. The taxpayer may not amend a notice of appeal after expiration of the time for filing a notice of appeal, if such amendment would have the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the Alabama Tax Tribunal over a matter that would otherwise not come within its jurisdiction. An amendment of a pleading shall relate back to the time of filing of the original pleading, unless the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall order otherwise either on motion of a party or on the Alabama Tax Tribunal's own initiative.(i) Fees. No filing fee shall be imposed for any appeal filed with the Alabama Tax Tribunal.(j) Discovery and Stipulation. (1) The parties to a proceeding shall make every effort to achieve discovery by informal consultation or communication, before invoking the discovery mechanisms authorized by this section.(2) The parties to a proceeding shall stipulate all relevant and non-privileged matters to the fullest extent to which complete or qualified agreement can or fairly should be reached. Neither the existence nor the use of the discovery mechanisms authorized by this section shall excuse failure to comply with this provision.(3) Subject to reasonable limitations prescribed by the Alabama Tax Tribunal, a party may obtain discovery by written interrogatories; requests for the production of returns, books, papers, documents, correspondence, or other evidence; depositions of parties, non-party witnesses and experts; and requests for admissions. The Alabama Tax Tribunal may provide for other forms of discovery.(4) A judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, on the request of any party to the proceeding, may issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and giving of testimony and subpoenas duces tecum requiring the production of evidence or things.(5) Any employee of the Alabama Tax Tribunal designated in writing for the purpose by the chief judge may administer oaths.(6) Any witness subpoenaed or whose deposition is taken shall receive the same fees and mileage as a witness in a circuit court of Alabama.(7) The Alabama Tax Tribunal may enforce its orders on discovery and other procedural issues, among other means, by deciding issues wholly or partly against the offending party.(k) Hearings. (1) Proceedings before the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be tried de novo and without a jury.(2) Except as set forth in this chapter or otherwise precluded by law, the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall take evidence, conduct hearings, and issue final and preliminary orders. An appeal may be held in abeyance at the discretion of the judge or may be submitted for decision on a joint stipulation of facts without a hearing or as otherwise agreed by the parties. A judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, with or without a hearing, may dismiss any appeal or grant appropriate relief to any party, if a party refuses to comply with any regulation or statute concerning appeals before the Alabama Tax Tribunal or if a party refuses to comply with any preliminary order directing the party to take such action as deemed appropriate by a judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal.(3) Hearings shall be open to the public and shall be conducted in accordance with such rules of practice and procedure as the Alabama Tax Tribunal may promulgate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on motion of either party, the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall issue a protective order or an order closing part or all of the hearing to the public, if the party shows good cause to protect certain information from being disclosed to the public.(4) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall not be bound by the rules of evidence applicable to civil cases in the circuit courts of this state. The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall admit relevant evidence, including hearsay, if it is probative of a material fact in controversy. The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall exclude irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rules of privilege recognized by law shall apply.(5) Testimony may be given only on oath or affirmation.(6) The notice of appeal and other pleadings in the proceeding shall be deemed to conform to the proof presented at the hearing, unless a party satisfies the Alabama Tax Tribunal that presentation of the evidence would unfairly prejudice the party in maintaining its position on the merits or unless deeming the taxpayer's notice of appeal to conform to the proof would confer jurisdiction on the Alabama Tax Tribunal over a matter that would not otherwise come within its jurisdiction.(7) In the case of an issue of fact, the taxpayer shall have the burden of persuasion by a preponderance of the evidence in the record, except that the Department of Revenue shall have the burden of persuasion in the case of an assertion of fraud and in other cases provided by law.(8) Proceedings before the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be officially reported. The state shall pay the expense of reporting from the appropriation for the Alabama Tax Tribunal.(l) Decisions. (1) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall render its decision in writing, including therein a concise statement of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached. The Alabama Tax Tribunal's decision, subject to law, shall grant such relief, invoke such remedies, and issue such orders as it deems appropriate to carry out its decision. A judge may enter a preliminary order directing one or more parties to take such action as deemed appropriate or referring any issue or issues in dispute to the Department of Revenue's Taxpayer Advocate for consideration if the issue or issues relate to a tax administered by the Department of Revenue. A judge, after a hearing or after a case is otherwise submitted for decision, may issue an opinion and preliminary order, which shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law. The opinion and preliminary order may direct the department to recompute a taxpayer's liability or the amount of a refund due or for any party to take such action as specified in the preliminary order.(2) The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall render its preliminary or final order, as applicable, no later than six months after submission of the last brief filed subsequent to completion of the hearing or, if briefs are not submitted, then no later than six months after completion of the hearing. The Alabama Tax Tribunal may extend the six-month period, for good cause, up to three additional months.(3) If the Alabama Tax Tribunal fails to render either a preliminary order or a final order within the prescribed period, either party may institute a proceeding in the circuit court to compel the issuance of such decision.(4) The Alabama Tax Tribunal's decision shall finally decide the matters in controversy, unless any party to the matter timely appeals the decision as provided in this chapter.(5) Any party may apply for rehearing from any final order or opinion and preliminary order of the Alabama Tax Tribunal; provided, however, the application must be filed within 15 days from the date of entry of such order. The application for rehearing shall specify the reasons and supporting arguments why such order is incorrect and should be reconsidered. The timely filing of an application for rehearing from a final order shall suspend the time period for filing an appeal to circuit court as provided in this chapter. If an application for rehearing is timely filed, the judge shall thereafter issue a final or other order on rehearing, either with or without a hearing on the application, at the discretion of the judge. The time for filing a notice of appeal to circuit court shall begin anew on the date of entry of the final order on rehearing.(6) The Alabama Tax Tribunal's final order shall have the same effect, and shall be enforced in the same manner, as a judgment of a circuit court of the state, unless altered or amended on appeal or rehearing.(7) The Alabama Tax Tribunal's interpretation of a taxing statute subject to contest in one case shall be followed by the Alabama Tax Tribunal in subsequent cases involving the same statute, and its application of a statute to the facts of one case shall be followed by the Alabama Tax Tribunal in subsequent cases involving similar facts, unless the Alabama Tax Tribunal's interpretation or application conflicts with that of an appellate court or the Alabama Tax Tribunal provides satisfactory reasons for reversing prior precedent.(m) Appeals. (1) Other than an application for rehearing to the Alabama Tax Tribunal, the exclusive remedy for review of any final or other appealable order issued by the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be by appeal to the appropriate circuit court.(2) The taxpayer, a self-administered county or municipality whose tax is within the jurisdiction of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, or the Department of Revenue may appeal to circuit court from a final or other appealable order issued by the Alabama Tax Tribunal by filing a notice of appeal with the appropriate circuit court within 30 days from the date the final or other appealable order was entered. A copy of the notice of appeal shall be submitted to the Alabama Tax Tribunal within the 30-day appeal period. The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall thereafter prepare a record on appeal, which shall include the orders of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, the stenographic transcript of the hearing before the Alabama Tax Tribunal, the pleadings, and all exhibits and documents admitted into evidence. The appeal shall be filed in the following circuit courts: a. Any appeal by the Department of Revenue or a self-administered county or municipality whose tax is within the jurisdiction of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be filed with the circuit court of the county in which the taxpayer resides or has a principal place of business in Alabama.b. Any appeal by the taxpayer shall be filed with the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Alabama, or with the circuit court of the county in which the taxpayer resides or has a principal place of business in Alabama.c. Notwithstanding paragraphs a. and b., if the taxpayer does not reside in Alabama or have a principal place of business in Alabama, any appeal by the taxpayer, the Department of Revenue, or a self-administered county or municipality whose tax is within the jurisdiction of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be filed with the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Alabama.(3) If the appeal to circuit court pursuant to subdivision (2)b. is by a taxpayer from a final order involving a final assessment, the taxpayer shall, within the 30-day period allowed for appeals, satisfy one of the requirements under Section 40-2A-7(b)(5)b.2., relating to appeals to circuit court.(4) The appeal to circuit court from a final or other appealable order issued by the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be a trial de novo, except that the order shall be presumed prima facie correct and the burden shall be on the appealing party to prove otherwise. The circuit court shall hear the case by its own rules and shall decide all questions of fact and law. The administrative record and transcript shall be transmitted to the reviewing court as provided herein and shall be admitted into evidence in the trial de novo, subject to the rights of either party to object to any testimony or evidence in the administrative record or transcript. With the consent of all parties, judicial review may be on the administrative record and transcript. The circuit court shall affirm, modify, or reverse the order of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, with or without remanding the case for further hearing, as justice may require.(n) Representation. (1) Appearances in proceedings conducted by the Alabama Tax Tribunal may be by the taxpayer; by an attorney admitted to practice in this state, including an attorney who is a partner or member of, or is employed by, an accounting or other professional services firm; by an accountant licensed in this state; or by an authorized representative. The Alabama Tax Tribunal may allow any attorney or accountant authorized to practice or licensed in any other jurisdiction of the United States to appear and represent a taxpayer in proceedings before the Alabama Tax Tribunal for a particular matter. In addition, the Alabama Tax Tribunal may promulgate rules and regulations permitting a taxpayer to be represented by an officer, employee, partner, or member.(2) The department shall be represented by an authorized representative in all proceedings before the Alabama Tax Tribunal.(o) Publication of Decisions. The Alabama Tax Tribunal shall index and publish its final decisions in such print or electronic form as it deems best adapted for public convenience. Such publications shall be made permanently available and constitute the official reports of the Alabama Tax Tribunal.
(p) Service of Process. (1) Mailing by first class or certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the taxpayer given on the taxpayer's notice of appeal, or to the address of the taxpayer's representative of record, if any, or to the usual place of business of the Department of Revenue, shall constitute personal service on the other party. The Alabama Tax Tribunal, by rule, may prescribe that notice by other means shall constitute personal service and, in a particular case, may order that notice be given to additional persons or by other means.(2) Mailing by registered or certified mail and delivery by a private delivery service approved by the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with Section 7502(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be deemed to have occurred, respectively, on the date of mailing and the date of submission to the private delivery service.(3) Timely mailed document considered to be timely filed.(q) Rules and Forms. The Alabama Tax Tribunal is authorized to promulgate and adopt all reasonable rules pursuant to the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act and forms as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent and purposes of this chapter.
(r) Budget of Alabama Tax Tribunal. The Chief Judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal may contract or enter into agreements with any private or governmental agency, upon approval of the Director of Finance, for the rental of office space, and the rental or purchase of equipment, administrative or other support services, supplies, and all other property or services necessary for the operation of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. The funds for the operation of the Alabama Tax Tribunal shall be administered by the Alabama Tax Tribunal, through the chief judge. With respect to the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2014, there shall be transferred from the Revenue Department Administrative Fund to the Alabama Tax Tribunal the amount of four hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($425,000). The amount transferred from the Revenue Department Administrative Fund shall be disbursed to the Alabama Tax Tribunal in four equal increments, at the beginning of each quarter of the fiscal year. Thereafter, the Chief Judge of the Alabama Tax Tribunal, shall prepare an annual budget and funds shall be appropriated annually by the Legislature from the Revenue Department Administrative Fund to be used exclusively for the operation of the Alabama Tax Tribunal.
Ala. Code § 40-2B-2 (1975)
Added by Act 2014-146,§ 4, eff. 7/1/2014.