Ala. Code § 40-12-51
Each person dealing in, selling, or purchasing for resale automobiles, trucks, or other self-propelled vehicles shall pay an annual state license as provided in this section and shall pay a county license tax of one half the amount of his state license tax for the use of the counties. The following license taxes shall be paid by each dealer, each agent, or other person, except agents of a dealer who have procured the licenses required in the following section: In cities and towns of 50,000 or more inhabitants, $140; in cities and towns of over 25,000 and not exceeding 50,000 inhabitants, $100; in cities and towns of over 10,000 and not exceeding 25,000 inhabitants, $80; in cities and towns of over 5,000 and not exceeding 10,000 inhabitants, $65; in cities and towns of over 2,500 and not exceeding 5,000 inhabitants, $50; in cities and towns of 2,500 and less inhabitants, $30; in all other places, whether incorporated or not, $30; provided, that a person maintaining more than one place of business in the same city or town for the sale of automobiles, trucks, or other self-propelled vehicles shall pay an additional license tax of one half of the license tax levied on his principal place of business for each additional place of business; provided, that the licensed dealer may maintain a used car lot for the sale or use of secondhand cars without the payment of an additional license tax. Upon the payment of the license tax prescribed in this section, such dealer shall not be required to pay the license tax as provided in Sections 40-12-53 through 40-12-55, 40-12-60, 40-12-62 and 40-12-169.
Ala. Code § 40-12-51 (1975)