Ala. Code § 40-12-172
Each person doing business as a transient dealer as defined in this section and who does not pay the privilege license under Section 40-12-73 or the license permit under Section 40-25-19 shall pay an annual license tax to the state of $30. The payment of one state license shall authorize such transient dealer to engage in such business in any county in the state upon the payment of a county license of $5 in each such county.
When used in this section, the words "transient dealer" shall be held to include any person or persons who shall be embraced in any of the following classifications: All persons acting for themselves or as an agent, employee, salesman or in any capacity for another, whether as owner, bailee or other custodian of goods, wares, and merchandise and going from person to person, dealer to dealer, house to house or place to place and selling or offering to sell, exchanging or offering to exchange, for resale by a retailer, any goods, wares, and merchandise, or all persons who do not keep a regular place of business open at all times in regular business hours and at the same place, who shall sell or offer for sale goods, wares, and merchandise, or all persons who keep a regular place of business open during regular business hours and at the same place, who shall elsewhere than at such regular place of business sell or offer for sale or at the time of such sale deliver goods, wares, or merchandise, or all persons who go from person to person, house to house, place to place, or dealer to dealer and sell or offer for sale or exchange the goods, wares, and merchandise which they carry with them, and who deliver the same at the time of, or immediately after the sale, or without returning to the place of business operations (a permanent place of business) between the taking of the order and the delivery of the goods, wares, and merchandise, or all persons who go from person to person, house to house, place to place, or dealer to dealer soliciting orders by exhibiting samples, or taking orders, and thereafter making delivery of the goods or filling the order without carrying or sending the order to the permanent place of business and thereafter making delivery of the goods pursuant to the terms of the order, or all persons who go from person to person, place to place, house to house or dealer to dealer carrying samples and selling goods from samples and afterwards making delivery without taking or sending an order therefor to a permanent place of business for the filling of the order and delivery of the goods, or the exchange of the goods, or the exchange of merchandise having become damaged or unsalable, or the purchase by merchants of advertising space, or all persons who have in their possession or under their control any tangible property offered or to be offered for sale, or to be delivered, unless the sale or delivery thereof is to be made in pursuance of a bona fide order for the goods to be sold or delivered, said order to be evidenced by an invoice or memorandum.
An order is defined as being an agreement in writing between the seller to deliver and the buyer to accept the merchandise to be sold, bought and delivered at the prices and in the quantities agreed upon; and said order shall be evidenced by a memorandum or invoice accompanying the goods on the day on which the same are to be delivered, specifically designating and specifying the name and address of the seller and the buyer, the items purchased, sold and to be delivered and the price on each and the aggregate thereof. The agreement to buy or accept for delivery must be entered into before the goods are placed in transit or delivered and must be transmitted from the place at which taken to the regular and fixed place of business before being filled and the goods delivered. A commonly termed "blanket order" shall not satisfy the conditions of this definition when such "blanket order" is merely an agreement between the buyer and seller, whereby the buyer shall take such quantity of goods as the seller may deliver to his place of business, or to any other place, within a certain period of time. A "blanket order" to satisfy the conditions of this definition must be an agreement in writing and must recite that the buyer agrees to accept from the seller definite quantities of goods at agreed prices or at prevailing market prices at the time of the delivery of the same; and such agreement shall not be subject to change or cancellation before its termination, without damages to either of the parties entering into it, and it shall not be a condition of such agreement that goods, delivered in accordance therewith must be paid for on delivery. This section shall not apply to transient dealers of bakery products in the county where such bakery is located; nor shall this section apply to transient dealers of bottled soft drinks when sold or distributed from a bottling plant which has paid the privilege tax imposed by Section 40-12-65; nor shall it apply to transient dealers in the sale or delivery of gasoline, kerosene, lubricating oil, or other petroleum products when drawn, conveyed, and distributed from a stock maintained at a warehouse, oil depot, distributing station, or established place of business in this state upon which has been paid all the privilege taxes required of such business; provided that transient dealers of bakery products engaging in the business of transient dealer in any other county shall pay the state an annual state license tax of $20 and, in addition thereto, $5 to each county in which such transient dealer does business as such.
This section shall not apply to a person or to any member of his immediate household selling dairy, poultry, or farm products raised, produced, or grown by him nor to such products preserved, bottled, or canned by him. Nor shall this section apply to those selling fish, shrimp, crabs, or other seafoods, candy, and peanuts.
No part of this section shall be construed so as to impose any tax or require any duty of traveling salesmen representing jobbers or wholesalers and who do not carry with them goods for sale, but only take orders for goods and deliver said orders to their employer at a store or permanent place of business, to be filled in the manner used by the jobbing and wholesale trade.
The payment of the privilege license tax required by this section shall not authorize any transient dealer to sell any goods, wares, or merchandise for which a higher license is required without the payment of the higher license.
Any person paying the license tax herein levied shall not sell any goods, wares, or merchandise for use or consumption by going from person to person, dealer to dealer, house to house, or place to place without the payment of a peddler's license as required by Section 40-12-174.
The taxes herein levied are not subject to any specific exemption.
Ala. Code § 40-12-172 (1975)